Search Result "Pgp expressing cells"


Mini Review on Molecular Modeling of P-Glycoprotein (Pgp)

Journal: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2007 Page: 1525-1529
Author(s): Sookhee N. Ha, Jerome Hochman, Robert P. Sheridan

Subcellular Detection and Localization of the Drug Transporter P-Glycoprotein in Cultured Tumor Cells

Journal: Current Protein & Peptide Science
Volume: 3 Issue: 6 Year: 2002 Page: 653-670
Author(s): A. Molinari, A. Calcabrini, S. Meschini, A. Stringaro, P. Crateri, L. Toccacieli, M. Marra, M. Colone, M. Cianfriglia, G. Arancia

Synthesis, Characterization, and Molecular Structure of a Novel Zinc (II) Complex: Assessment of Impact of MDR1Pgp Expression on its Cytotoxic Activity

Journal: Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Year: 2010 Page: 191-199
Author(s): Scott E. Harpstrite, Julie L. Prior, Jothilingam Sivapackiam, Silvia D. Collins, Nigam P. Rath, Vijay Sharma

Imaging of P-glycoprotein Function and Expression to Elucidate Mechanisms of Pharmacoresistance in Epilepsy

Journal: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Year: 2010 Page: 1785-1791
Author(s): Wolfgang Loscher, Oliver Langer

The Functions and Structure of ABC Transporters: Implications for the Design of New Inhibitors of Pgp and MRP1 to Control Multidrug Resistance (MDR)

Journal: Current Drug Targets
Volume: 7 Issue: 7 Year: 2006 Page: 893-909
Author(s): E. Teodori, S. Dei, C. Martelli, S. Scapecchi, F. Gualtieri

siRNA-Mediated Knock-Down of P-Glycoprotein Expression Reveals Distinct Cellular Disposition of Anticancer Tyrosine Kinases Inhibitors

Journal: Drug Metabolism Letters
Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Year: 2010 Page: 114-119
Author(s): Amina Haouala, Holger Rumpold, Gerold Untergasser, Thierry Buclin, Hans-Beat Ris, Nicolas Widmer, Laurent A. Decosterd

An MDR-EGFP Gene Fusion Allows for Direct Cellular Localization, Function and Stability Assessment of P-Glycoprotein

Journal: Current Drug Delivery
Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Year: 2004 Page: 43-56
Author(s): Jordi Petriz, Michael M. Gottesman, Josep M. Aran

Measurement of Sediment (MESED) and LC-MS-MS for Cellular Kinetics Studies of STI-571(Imatinib, Gleevec® , Glivec®) in Cells with Different Pgp- 170 Expression

Journal: Current Analytical Chemistry
Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Year: 2005 Page: 121-127
Author(s): Hans Prenen, Gunther Guetens, Allan T. van Oosterom, Gert De Boeck, Martin S. Highley, Ernst A. de Bruijn

The Role of ABC Transporters in Protecting Cells from Bilirubin Toxicity

Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Year: 2009 Page: 2884-2892
Author(s): C. Bellarosa, G. Bortolussi, C. Tiribelli

Modulation of P-Glycoprotein (PGP) Mediated Multidrug Resistance (MDR) Using Chemosensitizers: Recent Advances in the Design of Selective MDR Modulators

Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry - Anti-Cancer Agents
Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Year: 2001 Page: 163-174
Author(s): Rajesh Krishna, Lawrence D. Mayer

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