Search Result "Channel activating protease (CAP)"
ENaC Regulation by Proteases and Shear Stress
Journal: Current Molecular Pharmacology
Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Year: 2013 Page: 28-34
Author(s): Shujie Shi, Marcelo D. Carattino, Rebecca P. Hughey, Thomas R. Kleyman
Should we Target Allergen Protease Activity to Decrease the Burden of Allergic Airway Inflammation?
Journal: Inflammation & Allergy - Drug Targets (Discontinued)
Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2008 Page: 288-295
Author(s): Harissios Vliagoftis, Paul Forsythe
The Renal Epithelial Sodium Channel: Genetic Heterogeneity and Implications for the Treatment of High Blood Pressure
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Year: 2006 Page: 2221-2234
Author(s): G. A. Sagnella, P. A. Swift
Endogenous Modulators of TRP Channels
Journal: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Year: 2013 Page: 398-407
Author(s): Enza Palazzo, Francesco Rossi, Vito de Novellis, Sabatino Maione
TRP Channels in the Digestive System
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Year: 2011 Page: 24-34
Author(s): Peter Holzer
Macrocyclic Inhibitors of HCV NS3-4A Protease: Design and Structure Activity Relationship
Journal: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Year: 2007 Page: 1290-1301
Author(s): Srikanth Venkatraman, F. George Njoroge
Vanilloid Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channels: An Overview
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Year: 2008 Page: 18-31
Author(s): Bernd Nilius, Rudi Vennekens, Grzegorz Owsianik
Fragment-Based Development of HCV Protease Inhibitors for the Treatment of Hepatitis C
Journal: Current Computer-Aided Drug Design
Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Year: 2012 Page: 55-61
Author(s): Mati Karelson, Dimitar A. Dobchev, Gunnar Karelson, Tarmo Tamm, Kaido Tamm, Andrei Nikonov, Margit Mutso, Andres Merits
Proteases in Mosquito Borne Diseases: New Avenues in Drug Development
Journal: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 17 Issue: 19 Year: 2017 Page: 2221-2232
Author(s): A. Pant,R. Pasupureddy,V. Pande,S. Seshadri,R. Dixit,K. C. Pandey
Structural and Functional Determinants of γ-Secretase, an Intramembrane Protease Implicated in Alzheimers Disease
Journal: Current Genomics
Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Year: 2007 Page: 531-549
Author(s): Patrick C. Fraering