Search Result "AdV-based vectors"

Emerging Adenoviral Vectors for Stable Correction of Genetic Disorders

Journal: Current Gene Therapy
Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Year: 2007 Page: 272-283
Author(s): Lorenz Jager, Anja Ehrhardt

Adenovirus As An Integrating Vector

Journal: Current Gene Therapy
Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Year: 2002 Page: 135-144
Author(s): K. Mitani, S. Kubo

Episomal Vectors for Gene Therapy

Journal: Current Gene Therapy
Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Year: 2008 Page: 147-161
Author(s): Anja Ehrhardt, Rudolf Haase, Aloys Schepers, Manuel J. Deutsch, Hans J. Lipps, Armin Baiker

Herpesvirus / Retrovirus Chimeric Vectors

Journal: Current Gene Therapy
Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Year: 2004 Page: 409-416
Author(s): Alberto L. Epstein, Roberto Manservigi

Adenovirus Vector Production and Purification

Journal: Current Gene Therapy
Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Year: 2010 Page: 437-455
Author(s): Ana Carina Silva, Cristina Peixoto, Tanja Lucas, Claudia Kuppers, Pedro E. Cruz, Paula M. Alves, Stefan Kochanek

Biosafety of Herpesvirus Vectors

Journal: Current Gene Therapy
Volume: 3 Issue: 6 Year: 2003 Page: 597-611
Author(s): S Gogev, F. Schynts, F. Meurens, I. Bourgot, E. Thiry

Advanced Vectors for Gene Delivery

Journal: Current Drug Therapy
Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Year: 2011 Page: 251-262
Author(s): Rajashree Hirlekar, Pramod Jagtap, Vilasrao Kadam

Nonviral Vectors for Cancer Gene Therapy: Prospects for Integrating Vectors and Combination Therapies

Journal: Current Gene Therapy
Volume: 5 Issue: 6 Year: 2005 Page: 629-641
Author(s): John R. Ohlfest, Andrew B. Freese, David A. Largaespada

Production of Retroviral Vectors: Review

Journal: Current Gene Therapy
Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Year: 2010 Page: 456-473
Author(s): Ana S. Coroadinha, Leonor Gama-Norton, Ana I. Amaral, Hansjorg Hauser, Paula M. Alves, Pedro E. Cruz

Immune Responses to Lentiviral Vectors

Journal: Current Gene Therapy
Volume: 7 Issue: 5 Year: 2007 Page: 306-315
Author(s): Antonia Follenzi, Laura Santambrogio, Andrea Annoni

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