Search Result "tumor repressor"
KRAB-Zinc Finger Proteins: A Repressor Family Displaying Multiple Biological Functions
Journal: Current Genomics
Volume: 14 Issue: 4 Year: 2013 Page: 268-278
Author(s): Angelo Lupo,Elena Cesaro,Giorgia Montano,Diana Zurlo,Paola Izzo,Paola Costanzo
Putting the Oncogenic and Tumor Suppressive Activities of E2F into Context
Journal: Current Molecular Medicine
Volume: 6 Issue: 7 Year: 2006 Page: 731-738
Author(s): David G. Johnson, James DeGregori
Cytosine Methyltransferases as Tumor Markers
Journal: Current Genomics
Volume: 11 Issue: 8 Year: 2010 Page: 568-577
Author(s): Athanasia Pavlopoulou, Sophia Kossida
SPARC in Tumor Pathophysiology and as a Potential Therapeutic Target
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 20 Issue: 39 Year: 2014 Page: 6182-6190
Author(s): Jianguo Feng,Liling Tang
Hypoxic Tumor Microenvironment and Cancer Cell Differentiation
Journal: Current Molecular Medicine
Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Year: 2009 Page: 425-434
Author(s): Yuri Kim, Qun Lin, Peter M. Glazer, Zhong Yun
Regulatory T Cells: Major Players in the Tumor Microenvironment
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Year: 2009 Page: 1879-1892
Author(s): Marc Beyer, Joachim L. Schultze
Cancer Stem Cells and the Biology of Brain Tumors
Journal: Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy
Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Year: 2009 Page: 306-313
Author(s): Debora Gazzana Flores, Pitia Flores Ledur, Ana Lucia Abujamra, Algemir Lunardi Brunetto, Gilberto Schwartsmann, Guido Lenz, Rafael Roesler
Recent Developments of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Theranostics of Brain Tumor
Journal: Current Drug Metabolism
Volume: 17 Issue: 8 Year: 2016 Page: 737-744
Author(s): Maxim Shevtsov, Gabriele Multhoff
Potential of Gene Therapy for the Treatment of Pituitary Tumors
Journal: Current Gene Therapy
Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Year: 2004 Page: 79-87
Author(s): R. G. Goya, D. K. Sarkar, O. A. Brown, C. B. Herenu
Genetics of Bladder Malignant Tumors in Childhood
Journal: Current Genomics
Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Year: 2016 Page: 14-32
Author(s): Andrea Zangari,Johan Zaini,Caterina Gulia