Search Result "strictinin"
Medicinal Importance, Pharmacological Activities, and AnalyticalAspects of Strictinin: A Mini-Review
Journal: Recent Advances in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery
Volume: 17 Issue: 2 Year: 2022 Page: 86-94
Author(s): Dinesh Kumar Patel
Biodegradable Polymer Hydrogels Based in Sorbitol and Citric Acid for Controlled Release of Bioactive Substances from Plants (Polyphenols)
Journal: Current Chemical Biology
Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Year: 2017 Page: 36-43
Author(s): Manuel S. Palencia,Mayra A. Mora,Sixta L Palencia
Antimicrobial Activity and Molecular Docking of Tannins from Pimenta dioica
Journal: Letters in Drug Design & Discovery
Volume: 15 Issue: 5 Year: 2018 Page: 508-515
Author(s): Reham Al-Harbi,Mona Shaaban,Razan Al-wegaisi,Fatma Moharram,Ola Abd El-Rahman,Shahenda El-Messery
Strategies and Methods for the Total Synthesis of Ellagitannins
Journal: Current Organic Chemistry
Volume: 16 Issue: 5 Year: 2012 Page: 578-604
Author(s): Hidetoshi Yamada, Tsukasa Hirokane, Noriaki Asakura, Yusuke Kasai, Kohei Nagao
Secondary Metabolites in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus: A Paradigm Shift
Journal: Current Drug Metabolism
Volume: 21 Issue: 7 Year: 2020 Page: 493-511
Author(s): Deependra Singh Chauhan,Paras Gupta,Faheem Hyder Pottoo,Mohd Amir
Human Clinical Studies of Tea Polyphenols in Allergy or Life Style-related Diseases
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 19 Issue: 3 Year: 2013 Page: 6148-6155
Author(s): Mari Maeda-Yamamoto
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 and Functional Foods of Plant Origin
Journal: Recent Patents on Biotechnology
Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Year: 2014 Page: 160-164
Author(s): Manju Pathak
Exploring the Nutraceutical Potential of Polyphenols from Black, Green and White Tea Infusions â An Overview
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Year: 2015 Page: 265-271
Author(s): Gian C. Tenore,Maria Daglia,Roberto Ciampaglia,Ettore Novellino
Wnt Signaling in Breast Cancer Oncogenesis, Development and Progression
Ebook: Advances in Cancer Signal Transduction and Therapy
Volume: 1 Year: 2020
Author(s): Norman Fultang,Bela Peethambaran
Doi: 10.2174/9789811458118120010003
Plant-Derived Leading Compounds for Eradication of Helicobacter pylori
Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry - Anti-Infective Agents
Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Year: 2004 Page: 89-100
Author(s): Masami Kawase, Noboru Motohashi