Search Result "physiological and pharmacological effects."


Review Article

Physiological and Pharmacological Effects of Glucocorticoids on the Gastrointestinal Tract

Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 26 Issue: 25 Year: 2020 Page: 2962-2970
Author(s): Ludmila Filaretova,Tatiana Podvigina,Natalia Yarushkina

Hydrogen Sulfide: From Physiology to Pharmacology

Journal: Inflammation & Allergy - Drug Targets (Discontinued)
Volume: 10 Issue: 2 Year: 2011 Page: 77-84
Author(s): Stefano Fiorucci

Effects of High Altitude Exposure on Physiology and Pharmacokinetics

Journal: Current Drug Metabolism
Volume: 17 Issue: 6 Year: 2016 Page: 559-565
Author(s): Lu Hui,Wang Rong,Jia Zheng-ping,Xiong Juan,Xie Hua

Cellular and Physiological Effects of Arginine

Journal: Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 4 Issue: 8 Year: 2004 Page: 823-832
Author(s): Betty C. Tong, Adrian Barbul

Ghrelin in Obesity, Physiological and Pharmacological Considerations

Journal: Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Year: 2013 Page: 541-552
Author(s): Paula Alvarez-Castro, Lara Pena, Fernando Cordido

Bile Acids in Physiology, Pathology and Pharmacology

Journal: Current Drug Metabolism
Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Year: 2016 Page: 4-29
Author(s): Jose J.G. Marin,Rocio I.R. Macias,Oscar Briz,Jesus M. Banales,Maria J. Monte

Endocannabinoids and Their Receptors: Physiology, Pathology and Pharmacology

Journal: Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Year: 2007 Page: 157-173
Author(s): E. Fride, N. Gobshtis

Physiology and Pharmacology of the Vanilloid Receptor

Journal: Current Neuropharmacology
Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Year: 2006 Page: 1-15
Author(s): Angel Messeguer, Rosa Planells-Cases, Antonio Ferrer-Montiel

Review Article open access plus

Ayahuasca: Psychological and Physiologic Effects, Pharmacology and Potential Uses in Addiction and Mental Illness

Journal: Current Neuropharmacology
Volume: 17 Issue: 2 Year: 2019 Page: 108-128
Author(s): Jonathan Hamill,Jaime Hallak,Serdar M. Dursun,Glen Baker

Physiology of Pain

Ebook: Local Anesthesia and Extractions for Dental Students: Simple Notes and Guidelines
Volume: 1 Year: 2018
Author(s): Esam Ahmad Z Omar
Doi: 10.2174/9781681086330118010004

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