Search Result "photo-stability"

Development and Validation of Microbiological Assay for Ceftriaxone and its Application in Photo-stability Study

Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Analysis
Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Year: 2013 Page: 77-81
Author(s): Felipe Rebello Lourenco, Marcus Augusto Lyrio Traple, Rogerio Takao Okamoto, Terezinha de Jesus Andreoli Pinto

Research Article

Titania-Vanadia Mixed Oxides: Thermal Stability and Photo-assisted Recovery of V(V) Released From the Use of this System, in Water

Journal: Current Catalysis
Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Year: 2017 Page: 123-134
Author(s): Cesar A. Jaramillo-Paez,Jose A. Navío,Maria C. Hidalgo,Manuel Macias

Mitochondria-Targeted Green Fluorescent Protein for Quantitative Monitoring of Mitochondrial Morphology in Living Cells

Journal: Letters in Drug Design & Discovery
Volume: 6 Issue: 5 Year: 2009 Page: 319-322
Author(s): Yasutomo Nomura, Toshifumi Takayama, Michihiko Sato, Eiji Takahashi, Zhonggang Feng, Takao Nakamura

One-step Synthesis of Water-dispersible ZnSe(S)-alloy Quantum Dots in the Presence of Thiol Species

Journal: Current Nanoscience
Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Year: 2013 Page: 117-121
Author(s): Sonia Bailon-Ruiz,Oscar Perales-Perez,Yi-feng Su,Yan Xin

Stability-Indicating RP-HPLC Method for Determination of Metformin Hydrochloride and Natglinide in Bulk and Tablet Formulations

Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Analysis
Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Year: 2012 Page: 381-388
Author(s): Asha Thomas,Shrikrushna Patil,Rabindra Nanda,Lata Kothapalli,Avinash Deshpande

Synthetic Strategies for the Development of Fluorescent Amino Acids as Optical Probe

Journal: Current Organic Synthesis
Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Year: 2013 Page: 525-546
Author(s): Suman K. Maity, Santu Bera, Debasish Haldar

Mini-Review Article

Research Progress of Organic Carbon Nanotubes-Modified Metal-Composite Photocatalytic Materials in Water Treatment

Journal: Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry
Volume: 19 Issue: 8 Year: 2022 Page: 898-905

Soluble and Stable Near-Infrared Dyes Based on Polycyclic Aromatics

Journal: Current Organic Chemistry
Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Year: 2010 Page: 2145-2168
Author(s): Chongjun Jiao, Jishan Wu

Use of the Semiconductor Nanotechnologies “Quantum Dots” for in vivo Cancer Imaging

Journal: Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery
Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Year: 2009 Page: 207-215
Author(s): Monica Ciarlo, Patrizia Russo, Alfredo Cesario, Sara Ramella, Gabriella Baio, Carlo E. Neumaier, Laura Paleari

Effects of Arginine on Photostability and Thermal Stability of IgG1 Monoclonal Antibodies

Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Volume: 10 Issue: 8 Year: 2009 Page: 761-766
Author(s): Haripada Maity, Courtney ODell, Arvind Srivastava, Joel Goldstein

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