Search Result "electron donor (D)"
Remarkable Electron Donor-Acceptor Effects on the Optical Properties of Novel Phenyl Ketone Derivatives
Journal: Letters in Organic Chemistry
Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Year: 2011 Page: 606-609
Author(s): Hongru Li, Haili Li, Jianchao Wang, Long Yang, Shengtao Zhang, Fang Gao
Donors of HNO
Journal: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 5 Issue: 7 Year: 2005 Page: 649-664
Author(s): Katrina M. Miranda, Herbert T. Nagasawa, John P. Toscano
Estimation of Electronic Coupling for Charge Transfer in Bioinorganic Molecules
Journal: Current Inorganic Chemistry (Discontinued)
Volume: 3 Issue: 3 Year: 2013 Page: 260-269
Author(s): Alexander A. Voityuk
Fuzzy Limit Between Green Rust and Goethite Biomineralization from a Nitrate-Reducing Bacterium (Klebsiella mobilis): The Influence of Organic Electron Donors
Journal: Current Inorganic Chemistry (Discontinued)
Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Year: 2016 Page: 119-126
Author(s): Marjorie Etique,Frédéric P. A. Jorand
Substituent Dependent Photoreactivity of Donor-Acceptor Substituted Phenyl Ethenes
Journal: Letters in Organic Chemistry
Volume: 15 Issue: 6 Year: 2018 Page: 479-484
Author(s): Naresh Kumar,Prasanta Kumar Hota,Jagdeep Kumar
Intra-Molecular Electron Transfer in Proteins
Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 15 Issue: 6 Year: 2008 Page: 556-561
Author(s): Thomas Brittain
Intramolecular Electron Transfer: Computational Study Based on the Orbital Deletion Procedure (ODP)
Journal: Current Organic Chemistry
Volume: 10 Issue: 7 Year: 2006 Page: 779-790
Author(s): Yirong Mo
Recent Developments in Drug Design of NO-donor Hybrid Compounds
Journal: Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 18 Issue: 14 Year: 2018 Page: 1175-1198
Author(s): Rajan Sharma,Jacques Joubert,Sarel F. Malan
DNA Electronics: A Nanotechnology Approach
Journal: Current Nanoscience
Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Year: 2007 Page: 161-165
Author(s): S. A. Patil, V. S. Gomase, K. V. Kale
Quantum Systems of Electrons in a Semiconductor Crystal
Ebook: Open Quantum Physics and Environmental Heat Conversion into Usable Energy
Volume: 2 Year: 2017
Author(s): Eliade Stefanescu
Doi: 10.2174/9781681084190117020004