Search Result "building renovation"


Environmental Impact Indicator System in Residential Neighbourhood Renovation

Ebook: The Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighbourhoods
Volume: 1 Year: 2015
Author(s): Pilar Mercader-Moyano,Julia Garrido-Piñero,Antonio Ramírez de Arellano
Doi: 10.2174/9781681080642115010005

Development of an Assessment Tool for Building Envelope Retrofit Based on Environmental Indicator

Ebook: The Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighbourhoods
Volume: 1 Year: 2015
Author(s): Patricia Huedo,Belinda López-Mesa,Elena Mulet
Doi: 10.2174/9781681080642115010007

University Waste Reduction and Pollution Prevention Assistance Greening College Campuses through LEED Certification

Ebook: Sustainability Practice and Education on University Campuses and Beyond
Volume: 1 Year: 2017
Author(s): Nadja F. Turek,Dong-Shik Kim
Doi: 10.2174/9781681084718117010007

Energy Efficiency Indicators for Buildings in Argentina

Ebook: The Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighbourhoods
Volume: 1 Year: 2015
Author(s): Jorge D. Czajkowski
Doi: 10.2174/9781681080642115010010

Energy Retrofitting for Social Housing by Improving the Building Envelope: Madrid, 1939-1979

Ebook: The Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighbourhoods
Volume: 1 Year: 2015
Author(s): Ignacio Oteiza,Carmen Alonso,Fernando Martín-Consuegra,Juan Monjo,Mariam González-Moya
Doi: 10.2174/9781681080642115010004

A Structure for the Quantity Surveillance of Costs and Environmental Impact of Cleaning and Maintenance in Buildings

Ebook: The Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighbourhoods
Volume: 1 Year: 2015
Author(s): Alejandro Martínez-Rocamora,Jaime Solís-Guzmán,Madelyn Marrero
Doi: 10.2174/9781681080642115010008

Approach to the Definition of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings, in the Social Housing in Europe

Ebook: The Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighbourhoods
Volume: 1 Year: 2015
Author(s): Begoña Serrano Lanzarote,Alejandra García-Prieto Ruiz,Leticia Ortega Madrigal,Laura Soto Francés,Violeta de la Fuente Pérez
Doi: 10.2174/9781681080642115010006

New Applications of Ceramic Waste Generated in Building Rehabilitation Works

Ebook: The Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighbourhoods
Volume: 1 Year: 2015
Author(s): Mercedes Del Río Merino,Rocío Sanios Jiménez,Paola Villoria Saéz,Mariano Gonzalez Cortina
Doi: 10.2174/9781681080642115010012

Management of Living Urban Environments From an Active Ageing Approach: Advances in the Team Research (RE)Programa

Ebook: The Sustainable Renovation of Buildings and Neighbourhoods
Volume: 1 Year: 2015
Author(s): Ángela Barrios,José C. Mariñas,Marta Molina,Francisco J. Lizana,Antonio Serrano,Alberto Vilches
Doi: 10.2174/9781681080642115010009

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