Search Result "TFE."

Review Article

About TFE: Old and New Findings

Journal: Current Protein & Peptide Science
Volume: 20 Issue: 5 Year: 2019 Page: 425-451
Author(s): Marian Vincenzi,Flavia A. Mercurio,Marilisa Leone

Efficient and Metal-Free Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Indoles with Allyl Acetate Mediated by TFE

Journal: Letters in Organic Chemistry
Volume: 7 Issue: 8 Year: 2010 Page: 666-670
Author(s): Zhe Liu, Li Liu, Yan-Chao Wu, Dong Wang

Dependence of Peptide Self-Association on Intermolecular Interaction by PFGNMR in TFE Aqueous Solution: C-terminal Analogues of NPY as Model Peptides

Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Year: 2011 Page: 1065-1071
Author(s): Chang-Shin Lee, Chia-Hao Lin, Wan-Lun Hsieh, Szu-Min Chiao

The Complex Structure Transition of Humanin Peptides by Sodium Dodecylsulfate and Trifluoroethanol

Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 15 Issue: 5 Year: 2008 Page: 510-515
Author(s): Yoshiko Kita, Takako Niikura, Fumio Arisaka, Tsutomu Arakawa

Trifluoroethanol-induced Activity and Structural Changes in Bos taurus Copper- and Zinc-containing Superoxide Dismutase

Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 18 Issue: 7 Year: 2011 Page: 726-732
Author(s): Long Shi, Yong Xia, Ming Zhang, Shang-Jun Yin, Yue-Xiu Si, Guo-Ying Qian, Zhi-Rong Lu, Hai-Meng Zhou, Daeui Park, Hae Young Chung, Fei Zou, Yong-Doo Park

Effect of Organic Solvents on the Molten Globule State of Procerain: β-Sheet to α-Helix Switchover in Presence of Trifluoroethanol

Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Year: 2006 Page: 545-547
Author(s): Vikash K. Dubey, Ashu Shah, Medicherla V. Jagannadham, Arvind M. Kayastha

Characterization of Fluoroalcohols-Induced Intermediates of Mucor miehei Lipase at Low pH

Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 15 Issue: 4 Year: 2008 Page: 346-352
Author(s): Sadaf Fatima, Aseem Mishra, Priyankar Sen, Rizwan Hasan Khan

Investigating the effect of structural transition on aggregation of β-lactoglobulin

Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 22 Issue: 12 Year: 2015 Page: 1089-1097
Author(s): Bahareh Pourjabbar,Leila Hassani,Reza H. Sajedi

A Comparative Study of Unfolding of Erythrina cristagalli Lectin in Chemical Denaturant and Fluoroalcohols

Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 21 Issue: 1 Year: 2014 Page: 80-89
Author(s): Debasish Sen,Dipak K. Mandal

Structural Preferences of Neuroprotective S14G-Humanin Peptide Analyzed by Molecular Modeling and Circular Dichroism

Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 14 Issue: 6 Year: 2007 Page: 618-624
Author(s): Arturo Rojo-Dominguez, Guillermo Ramirez-Galicia, Josef Havel, Luis Horacio Gutierrez-Gonzalez

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