Search Result "PFRs"

Comprehensive Determination of Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care Products, Benzotriazole UV Stabilizers and Organophosphorus Flame Retardants in Environmental Water Samples Using SPE Coupled with UHPLC-MS/MS

Journal: Current Analytical Chemistry
Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Year: 2015 Page: 138-149
Author(s): Joon-Woo Kim, Tomohiko Isobe, Rumi Tanoue, Kwang-Hyeon Chang, Shinsuke Tanabe

An Energy Efficient Position Based Adaptive Real-Time Routing Protocol for WSNs

Journal: International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control
Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Year: 2015 Page: 106-113
Author(s): Fariborz Entezami,Christos Politis

Overexpression and Purification of the RyR1 Pore-Forming Region

Journal: Protein & Peptide Letters
Volume: 14 Issue: 8 Year: 2007 Page: 742-746
Author(s): Gil Bu Kang, Hye-Eun Song, Dong-Woo Song, Mun-Kyoung Kim, Seong-Hwan Rho, Do Han Kim, Soo Hyun Eom

Pupil Response Biomarkers Distinguish Amyloid Precursor Protein Mutation Carriers from Non-Carriers

Journal: Current Alzheimer Research
Volume: 10 Issue: 8 Year: 2013 Page: 790-796
Author(s): Shaun M. Frost, Yogesan Kanagasingam, Hamid R. Sohrabi, Kevin Taddei, Randall Bateman, John Morris, Tammie Benzinger, Alison Goate, Colin L. Masters, Ralph N. Martins

Optimization of Cleaning Procedure for Polyethersulfone (PES) Membrane by a Statistically Designed Approach

Journal: Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering
Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Year: 2013 Page: 107-115
Author(s): A. Hedayati Moghaddam,J. Sargolzaei,J. Shayegan,T. Bahadori

Research Article

Does Oral Metoprolol have Any Effect on the Functional Parameters and Perfusion Defects of the Left Ventricle?

Journal: Current Medical Imaging
Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Year: 2018 Page: 309-316
Author(s): Semra Ince,Sait Demirkol,Alper O. Karacalioglu,Turgay Celik,Nuri Arslan

Inflammatory Mediators in Smoke Inhalation Injury

Journal: Inflammation & Allergy - Drug Targets (Discontinued)
Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Year: 2009 Page: 63-69
Author(s): James B. Sterner, Thomas B. Zanders, Michael J. Morris, Leopoldo C. Cancio

Balancing the Double-Edged Sword: Metal Ion Homeostasis and the Ulcer Bug

Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 14 Issue: 4 Year: 2007 Page: 469-478
Author(s): Jeannette M. Whitmire, Hanan Gancz, D. Scott Merrell

Research Article

Addition of Mercury Causes Quenching of NIR Fluorescence EmissionSpectra of a Photoactivatable PAiRFP1 Protein

Journal: Current Protein & Peptide Science
Volume: 23 Issue: 5 Year: 2022 Page: 347-355
Author(s): Faez Iqbal Khan

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