Search Result "ACE 2 inhibition."
Pharmacological Implications of MMP-9 Inhibition by ACE Inhibitors
Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Year: 2009 Page: 1349-1354
Author(s): Daisuke Yamamoto, Shinji Takai
Vitamin C Inhibits Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme-2 in Isolated Rat AorticRing
Journal: Cardiovascular & Hematological Disorders-Drug Targets
Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Year: 2021 Page: 235-242
Author(s): Mohamed Eddouks,Ismail Bouadid,Ayoub Amssayef
Natural Agents Modulating ACE-2: A Review of Compounds with Potential against SARS-CoV-2 Infections
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 27 Issue: 13 Year: 2021 Page: 1588-1596
Author(s): Arquimedes Gasparotto Junior,Sara EmÃlia Lima Tolouei,Francislaine Aparecida dos Reis LÃvero,Francielli Gasparotto,Thaise Boeing,Priscila de Souza
Role of Natural Products against the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 by Inhibition of ACE-2 Receptor: A Review
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 30 Issue: 32 Year: 2024 Page: 2562-2573
Author(s): Krishana Kumar Sharma
The Ineluctable Role of ACE-2 Receptors in SARS COV-2 Infection and Drug Repurposing as a Plausible SARS COV-2 Therapy: A Concise Treatise
Journal: Current Molecular Medicine
Volume: 21 Issue: 10 Year: 2021 Page: 888-913
Author(s): Sherin Joseph,Bhagyalakshmi Nair,Lekshmi R. Nath
Bioactive Peptides - Are There More Antihypertensive Mechanisms Beyond ACE Inhibition?
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 18 Issue: 30 Year: 2012 Page: 4706-4713
Author(s): Claudia Marques,Maria Manuela Amorim,Joana Odila Pereira,Manuela Estevez Pintado,Daniel Moura,Conceicao Calhau,Helder Pinheiro
Advances in Structural Biology of ACE and Development of Domain Selective ACE-inhibitors
Journal: Medicinal Chemistry
Volume: 15 Issue: 6 Year: 2019 Page: 574-587
Author(s): Mája PolakoviÄová,Josef JampÃlek
New Challenges for ACE-Inhibitors in Vascular Diseases
Journal: Drug Design Reviews - Online (Discontinued)
Volume: 2 Issue: 7 Year: 2005 Page: 485-493
Author(s): Claudio Napoli, Joseph Loscalzo
Blockade of Apoptosis by ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 9 Issue: 9 Year: 2003 Page: 707-714
Author(s): Gerasimos Filippatos, Bruce D. Uhal
Effects of ACE Inhibitors on Skeletal Muscle
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design
Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Year: 2006 Page: 2057-2064
Author(s): Graziano Ondera, Cecilia D. Vedova, Marco Pahorc