Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy publishes high quality frontier reviews, original research articles, drug clinical trial studies and guest edited issues on all aspects of basic research on stem cells and their uses in clinical therapy. The journal is more
eISBN: 978-981-5050-32-5
ISBN: 978-981-5050-33-2
An Epidemiological Update on COVID-19 brings recent findings about the pandemic to the forefront. The reference is a compilation of eleven chapters contributed by expert scholars in epidemiology and medicine that cover topics of interest to anyone interested in COVID-19 monitoring and response measures. The topics also indicate some clinical areas of interest to COVID-19 researchers that have received attention due to the pandemic. It covers basic knowledge about respiratory conditions associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 epidemiology. These topics are complemented with chapters detailing the symptoms and biochemical mechanisms of novel coronavirus infections intended for readers with an advanced level of understanding of life sciences and medicine. Special topics such as the immune response to Sars-CoV-2, and, recombinant drugs for COVID-19, are also covered in this book. Each chapter is organized in a reader-friendly format and includes a list of references.
eISBN: 978-981-5040-94-4
ISBN: 978-981-5040--95-1
Colorectal Cancer is a complex disease caused by the interaction of hereditary and environmental factors that can be classified based on their importance. Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis and Therapeutic Updates provides comprehensive information about the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer. Chapters first cover the fundamentals of colorectal cancer diagnosis, progressing further towards explaining therapeutic modalities and recent advances in the understanding of the disease. Key Features - 11 organized, reader-friendly chapters that provide a complete overview of colorectal cancer - Covers the colorectal cancer diagnosis, screening and histopathology - Covers multimodal treatment of colorectal cancer, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and robotic surgery - Covers the management and surveillance of colorectal cancer - Explains the key biochemical mechanisms involved in colorectal cancer treatment - Covers recent information about colorectal cancer theranostics and drug delivery - Includes references for further reading in every chapter. The book serves as an introductory reference for medical students and residents on the subject of colorectal cancer. It also serves as a quick reference on the disease for the practicing general physician.
eISBN: 978-981-5050-56-1
ISBN: 978-981-5050-57-8
Nanomedicine is evolving with novel drug formulations devised for multifunctional approaches towards diagnostics ad therapeutics. Nanomedicine-based drug therapy is normally explored at a fixed dose. The drug action is time-dependent, dose-dependent and patient-specific. To overcome challenges of nanomedicine testing, artificial intelligence (AI) serves as a helping tool for optimizing the drug and dose parameters. Real time conversions between these two features enables upgradation of patient data acquisition and improved design of nanomaterials. In this scenario, AI-based pattern analysis and algorithms models can greatly improve accuracy of diagnostics and therapeutics. This book gives a comprehensive explanation of the role of machine learning and artificial intelligence in cancer nanomedicine. It presents 10 chapters that cover multiple dimensions of the subject. These dimensions are: - The need of AI and ML in designing new cancer drugs - Application of AI in cancer drug design - AI-based drug delivery models for cancer drugs - Diagnostic applications of AI - Intelligent nanosensors for biomarker profiling - Predictive models for metastatic cancer - Cancer nanotheranostics - Ethics of AI in medicine Contributions have been made by 16 researchers who are experts in pharmacology and drug design. The contents of the book bridge knowledge gaps between the fields of biomedical engineering, pharmacology and clinical medicine, with a focus on cancer treatment. The book serves as a reference for scholars learning about cancer diagnostics and therapeutics. Biomedical engineers who are involved in healthcare projects will also find the concepts and techniques highlighted in the book informative for understanding modern computer-based approaches used to solve clinical problems.
eISBN: 978-981-5036-21-3
ISBN: 978-981-5036-22-0
Pediatric Anesthesia: A Guide for the Non-Pediatric Anesthesia is a comprehensive, contemporary reference that addresses all aspects of pediatric anesthesia. Both students and medical practitioners - novice and experienced - will find invaluable educational and practical information in this book. The book covers the subject in two parts. Part I covers basic information about pediatric and neonatal anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, emergency room and operating room procedures and surgery. Chapters on general anesthetic procedures in emergency rooms, operational theatres and common surgeries. Part II covers advanced topics for practicing healthcare professionals which include anesthesia for patients with a range of common and uncommon comorbidities, considerations for critically-ill patients, genetic disorders, pain management, COVID-19 guidelines for anesthesia, patient safety and research. Key features: - Basic and advanced information about pediatric and neonatal anesthesia covered in 25 chapters over two parts - Simple and organized presentation for learners - Contributions by expert clinicians and researchers - Special topics included such as considerations for patients with comorbidities and genetic disorders - References for further reading - Detailed illustrations and tables The text is an essential reference for scholars and professionals affiliated with general anesthesiology and surgery specialties at all levels who want to understand anesthesia for pediatric patients.
eISBN: 978-981-5040-22-7
ISBN: 978-981-5040-23-4
Pharmacological and Molecular Perspectives on Diabetes is a compilation of reviews on clinical and scientific aspects of diabetes mellitus. It presents 11 contributions by eminent scholars that give the reader rational pharmacological and genetic perspectives of the disease and its treatment. The reviews approach diabetes from different angles, and highlight research that has been done to understand some questions about the molecular biology of diabetes in experimental settings. Topics of clinical significance such as the use of different hypoglycemic agents, and diabetic complications in clinical settings are also covered. Topics included in this book are: - Epigenetic alterations and type 2 diabetes mellitus - Responses to nutritional chromium supplements for type 2 diabetes mellitus - Endocrine role of osteocalcin in homeostatic regulation of glucose metabolism - Effect of diabetes on memory - Osteoarthritis in relation to type 2 diabetes mellitus: prevalence, etiology, symptoms and molecular mechanism - Infection of novel coronavirus in patients with diabetes mellitus - Role of an anti-inflammatory agent in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus - Role of antidiabetic agents which helps regulates TCF7L2 variations in type 2 diabetes mellitus - Relationship between type 2 diabetes mellitus, PCOD and neurological disorders: role of antidiabetic drugs Comparison of different types of insulin available for type 1 diabetes treatment - Circadian rhythm disruption: special reference to type 2 diabetes mellitus - Type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications: pharmacogenetics based correlations and circulating microRNA as biomarkers Pharmacological and Molecular Perspectives on Diabetes should prove to be of interest to all pharmaceutical and molecular biology scientists who are involved in research in anti-diabetic drug design and discovery, and practicing endocrinologists who wish to keep abreast of recent developments in the field.
eISBN: 978-981-5039-80-1
ISBN: 978-981-5039-81-8
Diabesity refers to the linkage of both diabetes and obesity that results in the coexistence of these 2 conditions. Research has identified pathophysiological mechanisms revolving around insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. Diabesity has important diagnostic and therapeutic implications. This book is a multidisciplinary review of diabesity. It highlights the various pharmacological methods of managing the condition. The book presents 10 chapters contributed by more than 40 experts from around the world. The review starts with an overview of diabesity and progressively describes the relationships of diabesity with the choice of diets and psychological factors. The chapters then cover the role of adipokines as therapeutic biomarkers before presenting research on medicinal and nutritional approaches to treat the condition. Modern approaches to diabesity treatment such as the use of new bioactive phytochemicals, mitigating meta-inflammation and laboratory techniques are also reviewed in the book. Diabesity: A Multidisciplinary Approach is a timely reference for clinicians (in endocrinology and family medicine subspecialties) and students of pharmacology and medicinal chemistry on the intricate relationship between diabetes and obesity.
eISBN: 978-981-5039-65-8
ISBN: 978-981-5039-66-5
Common Pediatric Diseases: An Updated Review informs the reader about common diseases in children that are encountered by pediatricians and family physicians. Each of the 14 chapters in the volume presents updated information for readers with the aim to give them a current perspective on the topic. This book is a handy and practical compendium for medical students and healthcare professionals involved in general practice and pediatric clinics. The text starts with a quick introduction to pediatric diseases, before progressing towards specific diseases in children. The list of topics in this book includes pediatric rheumatological diseases, common oral diseases, pediatric metabolic syndromes, pediatric epilepsy syndromes, pediatric demyelinating disorder, genetic epileptic encephalopathies (with an algorithmic diagnostic approach), Henoch-Schönlein purpura, atopic dermatitis, childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, PFAPA, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, cervical adenitis syndrome and pediatric hepatoblastoma. [Series Intro] Updates on Pediatric Health and Disease is a comprehensive series of books on infant and adolescent health and diseases. The series features volumes that update readers on current understanding in basic information and advanced clinical practice in pediatric medicine. Neonatology as well as different diseases in all subspecialties of pediatrics, including allergy and immunology, cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, infectious diseases, nephrology, oncology, pulmonology, rheumatology, neurology, psychiatry and dermatology are represented in each volume.
eISBN: 978-981-5051-51-3
ISBN: 978-981-5051-52-0
Contemporary Endoscopic Spine Surgery brings the reader the most up-to-date information on the endoscopy of the spine. Key opinion leaders from around the world have come together to present the clinical evidence behind their competitive endoscopic spinal surgery protocols. Chapters in the series cover a range of aspects of spine surgery including spinal pain generators, preoperative workup with modern independent predictors of favorable clinical outcomes with endoscopy, anesthesia in an outpatient setting, management of complications, and a fresh look at technology advances in a historical context. The reader will have a first-row seat during the illustrative discussions of expanded surgical indications from herniated disc to more complex clinical problems, including stenosis, instability, and deformity in patients with advanced degenerative disease of the human spine. Contemporary Endoscopic Spine Surgery is divided into three volumes: Cervical Spine, Lumbar Spine, and Advanced Technologies to capture an accurate snapshot in time of this fast-moving field. It is intended as a comprehensive go-to reference text for surgeons in graduate residency and postgraduate fellowship training programs and for practicing spine surgeons interested in looking for the scientific foundation for their practice expansion into endoscopic surgery. This volume (Lumbar Spine) covers the following topics in 18 detailed chapters: Lumbar endoscopy: historical perspectives, present, and future Endoscopic lumbar discectomy - anatomy, nomenclature, indications and advanced techniques Current approaches for the treatment of endstage vacuum degenerative lumbar disc disease Advanced endoscopic techniques of lumbar foraminotomy and treatment of degenerative spondylolisthesis Endoscopic treatment of lumbar facet cysts Endoscopic techniques for the treatment of a wide range of chronic low back pain Endoscopic spine surgery techniques in the elderly Endoscopic fusion techniques Endoscopic resection of schwannoma Technical notes for difficult cases, controversies and complications of lumbar endoscopy.
eISBN: 978-981-5036-27-5
ISBN: 978-981-5036-28-2
Pediatric Anesthesia: A Guide for the Non-Pediatric Anesthesia is a comprehensive, contemporary reference that addresses all aspects of pediatric anesthesia. Both students and medical practitioners - novice and experienced - will find invaluable educational and practical information in this book. The book covers the subject in two parts. Part I covers basic information about pediatric and neonatal anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, emergency room and operating room procedures and surgery. Chapters on general anesthetic procedures in emergency rooms, operational theatres and common surgeries. Part II covers advanced topics for practicing healthcare professionals which include anesthesia for patients with a range of common and uncommon comorbidities, considerations for critically-ill patients, genetic disorders, pain management, COVID-19 guidelines for anesthesia, patient safety and research. Key features: - Basic and advanced information about pediatric and neonatal anesthesia covered in 25 chapters over two parts - Simple and organized presentation for learners - Contributions by expert clinicians and researchers - Special topics included such as considerations for patients with comorbidities and genetic disorders - References for further reading - Detailed illustrations and tables The text is an essential reference for scholars and professionals affiliated with general anesthesiology and surgery specialties at all levels who want to understand anesthesia for pediatric patients.
eISBN: 978-981-5040-67-8
ISBN: 978-981-5040-68-5
Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders is a book series that brings updated reviews to readers interested in advances in the development of pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) and other nerve disorders. The scope of the book series covers a range of topics including the medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology and biochemistry of contemporary molecular targets involved in neurological and CNS disorders. Reviews presented in the series are mainly focused on clinical and therapeutic aspects of novel drugs intended for these targets. Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - CNS and Neurological Disorders is a valuable resource for pharmaceutical scientists and postgraduate students seeking updated and critical information for developing clinical trials and devising research plans in the field of neurology. Volume 10 of the series continues to present novel information about new and interesting approaches to treat common neurological disorders, with a focus on neurodegeneration and pain medicine. The volume presents 7 detailed reviews in total. - Neurodegenerative disease: prevention and treatment through plant extracts therapy - Emerging novel approaches and recent advances in Parkinson`s disease treatment and diagnosis - Neurotrophic factors to combat neurodegeneration - Neural bases of executive function in ADHD children as assessed using FNIRS - Modulation of mesenchymal stem cells, glial cells and the immune system by oligodeoxynucleotides as a novel multi-target therapeutic approach against chronic pain - Chronic pain: focus on anticonvulsants - A review of the impact of testosterone on brain and aging-related decline in brain behavioural function