The journal publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews, editorials, commentaries, perspectives, letters to the editor, and guest-edited thematic issues on various topics related to physics.
It is not limited to any one aspect of a specific field but more
eISBN: 978-981-5274-61-5
ISBN: 978-981-5274-62-2
Open Quantum Physics and Environmental Heat Conversion into Usable Energy - Vol. 4 explores the intricate relationship between quantum mechanics, relativity, gravitation, and electromagnetism, offering insights into the dynamics of quantum particles in various fields. The book covers key phenomena such as spin, graviton spin, black holes, and quantum states in extreme conditions, including black hole formation. It explains how quantum particles behave as distributions of matter, using wave functions to describe their propagation. Further, it examines electromagnetic and gravitational field interactions, quantum particle transitions, Dirac’s formalism of general relativity, and their applications in quantum electrodynamics and unified field theory. Key Features: - Detailed explanation of quantum particle dynamics and wave function theory. - Discussion of quantum particle transitions and spinor fields. - Exploration of black hole dynamics and gravitational wave interactions. - Comprehensive coverage of unified field theory, integrating electromagnetism and gravity. - Applications to quantum electrodynamics and particle collisions.
eISBN: 978-981-5165-40-1
ISBN: 978-981-5165-41-8
This reference book explains the fundamentals of Bose Einstein Condensation (BEC) in excitons and polaritons. It presents five chapters exploring fundamental concepts and recent developments on the subject. Starting with a historical overview of BEC, the book progresses into the origins and behaviors of excitons and polaritons. Chapters also cover the unique thermalization and relaxation kinetics of excitons, and the distinctive features of polaritons, such as lasing, superfluidity, and quantized vortices. The chapters dedicated to BEC in excitons and polaritons detail experimental techniques, theoretical modeling, recent advancements, and practical applications in a simplified way for beginners. This book serves as a resource for researchers, physicists, and students interested in the phenomena of BEC, providing insights into both the theoretical foundations and the practical implications of excitons and polaritons.
eISBN: 978-981-5136-89-0
ISBN: 978-981-5136-90-6
An Introduction to Non-Ionizing Radiation provides a comprehensive understanding of non-ionizing radiation (NIR), exploring its uses and potential risks. The information is presented in a simple and concise way to facilitate easy understanding of relevant concepts and applications. Chapters provide a summary and include relevant equations that explain NIR physics. Other features of the book include colorful illustrations and detailed reference lists. With a focus on safety and protection, the book also explains how to mitigate the adverse effects of non-ionizing radiation with the help of ANSI guidelines and regulations. An Introduction to Non-Ionizing Radiation comprises twelve chapters, each explaining various aspects of non-ionizing radiation, including: Fundamental concepts of non-ionizing radiation including types and sources Interaction with matter Electromagnetic fields The electromagnetic wave spectrum (UV, visible light, IR waves, microwaves and radio waves) Lasers Acoustic waves and ultrasound Regulations for non-ionizing radiation. Risk management of non-ionizing radiation The book is intended as a primer on non-ionizing radiation for a broad range of scholars and professionals in physics, engineering and clinical medicine.
eISBN: 978-981-5049-90-9
ISBN: 978-981-5049-91-6
Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics gives elementary understanding of nuclear and particle physics. The textbook offers an overview of the subject, providing students with a basic understanding about 1) the atomic structure and the nucleus, 2) equipment such as particle detectors, particle accelerators, and nuclear reactors, 3) radioactivity, and 4) elementary particles. Each chapter provides fundamental theoretical and experimental knowledge required for students to strengthen their concepts. Other key features of the book include: - Structured chapters designed for easy reading and stimulating interest for learners - Sophisticated figures - Thoroughly solved equations - Bibliographic references for further reading - Updated information about different types of nuclear reactors - Information about nuclear astrophysics Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics is suitable for introductory undergraduate courses in nuclear physics as well as more innovative courses geared towards nuclear engineering.
eISBN: 978-981-5080-71-1
ISBN: 978-981-5080-72-8
Terraforming is the process of modifying a planet, moon, or other body to a more habitable atmosphere, temperature, or ecology. The idea of terraforming or colonizing other planets has recently become a topic of intense scientific interest and public debate. Geoengineering and terraforming, at their core, have the same goal: to enhance or revive the ability of a specific environment to support human life, society, and industry. New Worlds: Colonizing Planets, Moons and Beyond examines extra-terrestrial colonization plans with a critical eye. The ten chapters of the book provide a detailed review of the demographic and economic reasons behind this space imperative, technical and ecological solutions to improve the settlement of our own planet, enhancements of our current space industry. The book also covers interesting topics such as the terraformation of Mars, the moon, and other planets like Venus, colonizing the outer solar system (and beyond), and the ethical considerations in favor of space expansion. This simple, yet informative treatise is an essential read for anyone interested in the subject of space colonization.
eISBN: 978-1-68108-919-5
ISBN: 978-1-68108-920-1
Practical Handbook of Thermal Fluid Science is an essential guide for engineering students to practical experiments and methods in fluid mechanics. It presents the topic of practical fluid physics in a simple, clear manner by introducing the fundamentals of carrying out experiments and operational analysis of systems that are based on fluid flow. The information enables readers to relate principles in thermal fluid science with the real world operation of important instruments that greatly impact our daily life, such as power generators, air conditioners, refrigerators, engines, flow meters, airplanes, among others. Key Features: - A simple organized chapter layout that focuses on fundamental and practical information about thermal fluid science experiments and equipment - Provides an introduction to essential knowledge for analysis and evaluation of practical systems and major inventions - Presents information about analysis of operating data for power plant efficiency - Detailed chapters for studying and testing wind tunnels, sphere heating/cooling, pipe flow, engines, and refrigerators/heat pumps are provided - Experimental data of Venturi and orifice plate flow meters are provided to show step by step calibration and experimentation. - Presents information on report preparation - Includes multiple appendices to consolidate practical information for readers for quick reference.
eISBN: 978-981-5049-75-6
ISBN: 978-981-5049-76-3
In this book, scientists present the latest trends and research in the broad field of photonics and photonic materials applications. The 14 chapters are categorized into tracks that give a snapshot of the field including basic sciences (photonics, plasmonics, advanced optics, nanophotonics) and applications (renewable energy, fiber-optics, lasers and smart materials). The book starts with a summary of recent developments in photonic crystal (PC) applications. This introduction is followed by chapters that present design concepts and investigations of PC devices such as: - All-optical XOR gates using 2D photonic crystals - One-dimensional PCs containing germanium (Ge). - Graphene surface plasmonics - Nanophotonics and fiber-optic lasers - Chalcogenides - Bragg Fibers and more The broad range of topics make this an informative source on current and exciting photonics research, and the variety of photonic materials. It serves as a reference for graduate scholars (in physics and materials science) and allied researchers who have a keen interest in photonics.
eISBN: 978-981-5049-66-4
ISBN: 978-981-5049-67-1
The book presents a multidisciplinary analysis of the context of quantum physics experiments and the function of the human mind that makes it possible to demonstrate that an object-based model of reality formed at the level of the unconscious is the basis of our worldview. The consciousness experiences a ''time flow'' because of the specific features of perception in the form of a model with a sequential fixation of events. Together with the need to relate objects in terms of the model, this generates a space-time representation of the world around us. Acceptance of a mental character of our construct of reality allows for resolution of the problems in quantum physics and its paradoxes, thereby opening the way to an insight into reality. The presented material is organized in a specific order to facilitate the reader's understanding. First, the fact that if there are no objects in the area of quantum mechanics, then they belong to the corresponding model rather than the reality is proved by case studies of the most discussed and relevant paradoxes of quantum physics. The authors consider a topological variant in constructing an object-based space that describes the physical properties of an object that are the most verified in science and describable with mathematical relations. The functionality of the proposed construct is tested by deriving the ''laws'' of conservation of energy and momentum in a relativistic form. The book is oriented towards experts in physics and psychology, advanced students, and readers interested in state-of-the-art science and the philosophy connected to it.
eISBN: 978-981-5049-10-7
ISBN: 978-981-5049-11-4
Many beginners find physics to be a challenging subject to learn, and the difficulty extends to each branch of physics. It would be preferable for beginners to learn about different branches of physics as quickly as possible with a simplified understanding of the relevant mathematical relationships. After learning the position of each field in physics, it becomes easier to learn details of each field. In this book, special functions are not used to explain the solutions of equations. Fundamentals of Analysis In Physics summarizes the analytical methods in different fields of physics The book covers several known fields of physics and is a useful text for beginners in physics, college and university students, and working professionals who may not have a background in mathematics or physics. Key features: - Summarizes information about different fields in physics in 150 pages - Covers 7 different fields of physics (classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, relativistic quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and more) in 7 separate chapters -Contains simple explanations without the use of special functions.
eISBN: 978-981-5051-09-4
ISBN: 978-981-5051-10-0
This volume presents a clear understanding of the quantum mechanics of particles with reference to the current understanding of theory of relativity, gravitation, and electromagnetism, including essential phenomena as spin, the graviton spin, black holes, and the quantum particle states in the extreme conditions of a black hole formation, and of the Schwarzschild boundary. The reader is introduced to the recent theory of the quantum particle dynamics as a distribution of matter propagating with the velocity of the waves. The text describes this distribution by a Fourier space-time series expansion, which we call the wave function. The subsequent chapters delve into the mechanics of quantum particles in a gravitational field, charged particles in a gravitational field and finally, the least action and matter-field dynamics in a gravitational field. The book also explains important rules in quantum mechanics such as the mass quantization rule, Dirac’s formulation of the general theory of relativity, electromagnetic field theory, quantum particle interactions and more. The volume serves as a concise introduction to the complex topic of quantum particle mechanics for scholars involved in advanced physics courses.