Current Indian Science is an open-access journal that publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews, editorials, commentaries, perspectives, letters to the editor, and guest-edited thematic issues across various disciplines focused largely on science in India. Contributions from abroad are also more
Publishes original research articles, letters, reviews/mini- reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to inorganic chemistry.
Current Indian Science: Inorganic Chemistry publishes original research articles, letters, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to inorganic chemistry.
This section is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wider range of sub fields in the area. Articles of multi-disciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Submissions in the following areas are of special interest to the readers of this journal:
· Analytical methods inorganic chemistry
· Bioorganic chemistry
· Carbohydrate chemistry
· Catalytic and greenchemistry
· Chemical biology
· Chemical processresearch
· Computational organicchemistry
· Electrochemicalsynthesis
· Functional organicmaterials
· Heterocyclic chemistry
· Macromolecularchemistry
· Medicinal chemistry
· Natural products isolation and synthesis
· New synthetic methodology
· Organic reactions
· Organocatalysis
· Organometallicchemistry
· Organosiliconchemistry
· Organophosphorus chemistry
· Photochemical synthesis
· Polymer chemistry
· Spectroscopy
· Stereochemistry
· Structural investigations
· Supramolecular chemistry
· Theoretical organic chemistry
EditorsThomasBejoyDepartment of ChemistryNewman Editor(s)cis_ebm_Pandey-ram_001PandeyRampalDepartment of ChemistryNational Institute of TechnologySrinagarIndia
Dr. Rampal Pandey is currently working as Senior Assistant Professor (Gr-1) at National
Institute of Technology Uttarakhand, INDIA since 2018. He is currently Asso. Dean
(Faculty Welfare and International Affairs). Prior, he worked as DST-Inspire Faculty in
Dr. Harisingh Gour University Sagar, India during 2013-2018. He received PhD in 2012
from Banaras Hindu University, MSc in 2004; Inorganic Chemistry and BSc in 2002 from APS
University Rewa. His areas of research involve Inorganic Chemistry, MOFs, Soft &
Responsive Materials, Chemosensors, Catalysis & Photocatalysis. He has 12 Awards
to his credit including prestigious “THE PRESIDENT’S INSPIRED TEACHER” recognition by
Hon’ble President of India. He has more than 43 odd international publications in
reputed publishers. He has delivered numerous invited talks and organized many
conferences/workshops.He has developed several e-contents and in MHRD-UGC e-PG pathshala
programme and MOOCs as coordinator. He has been actively involved as reviewer and
editorial board member in some reputed publishing platforms.
Biography0000-0003-1685-74747401527524rppandeysu@gmail.comAssociate Editorial Board Member(s)cis_ebm_Dubey-mri_001DubeyMrigendraSoft Materials Research LaboratoryDiscipline of Metallurgy Engineering and Materials ScienceIndian Institute of TechnologyIndoreIndia
Dr. Mrigendra Dubey working as Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology
Indore in the area of synthesis of Soft Materials particularly Metallogels. He received
M.Sc. degree in Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry) from the University of Allahabad,
Allahabad in year 2005 and Ph.D. degree in Chemistry (Coordination and Bioinorganic)
with Prof. Manabendra Ray from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in the year 2011.
After PhD, he joined Prof. S. S. Sun group at the Institute of Chemistry, Academia
Sinica, Taiwan as post-doctoral fellow in 2011 followed by Prof. D. S. Pandey group in
the Department of Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University as DS Kothari Post Doc Fellow in
2012. In May 2017, he joined IIT Indore as Assistant Professor in Discipline of
Metallurgy Engineering and Materials Science and established a laboratory for synthesis
of Soft Materials. He is the recipient of Young Scientist Award, International Academy
of Physical Sciences, Allahabad, India- 2017. He has been invited as a research visitor
at various institutes. He has published quality papers. Dr. Dubey is life-member of
Society for Materials Chemistry, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Soft Materials
Research Society, Jaipur and International Academy of Physical Sciences, Allahabad.