Current Indian Science is an open-access journal that publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews, editorials, commentaries, perspectives, letters to the editor, and guest-edited thematic issues across various disciplines focused largely on science in India. Contributions from abroad are also more
Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on the topics related to Chemical Engineering.
The Chemical Engineering section of the Current Indian Science publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews, and guest-edited thematic special issues on various topics related to Chemical Engineering.
Submissions in the following areas are of special interest to the readers of this journal:
· Advanced Oxidation
· Bioremediation
· Catalyst/Bio-catalyst/Photocatalyst
· CO2 Sequestration
· Computational Fluid dynamics
· Desalination
· Energy/Bio-energy
· Environmental Engineering
· Heat, mass and momentum transfer
· Interfacial Science
· Membrane synthesis and application
· Modeling
· Nano-materials/nanotechnology
· Plastic/micro-plastic remediation.
· Novel Materials
· Polymeric synthesis
· Process Control and Dynamics
· Process Intensification
· Reaction Engineering
· Resource Recovery
· Separation Process
· Simulation
· Solar Energy
· Sono-chemistry
· Waste to Energy
Editorscis_eic_das_001DasPapitaDepartment of Chemical EngineeringJadavpur UniversityKolkataIndia0000-0002-9630-456457221230791
Dr Papita Das is a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Jadavpur
University, Kolkata India and Joint Director, School of Advanced Studies in Industrial
Pollution Control Engineering, Jadavpur University. She has expertise in highly topical
domains of environmental chemical engineering: (1) Nanotechnology (2) wastewater
treatment, (3) environmental microbiology, (4) Biofuel generation from biomass, and (5)
sustainable materials for environmental remediation and biofuel generation. Her research
team has made notable contributions on several key areas related to “Environmental
Sustainability”, which have been recognized with awards in recent years. She is ranked
in World Ranking of top 2% Scientist (2020) published by Stanford University which
represents the top 2% the most –cited scientists in various discipline (Rank 614 among
55697 researchers in the field of Chemical Engineering based on career long impact) and
also awarded 8th National Award for Technology Innovation by Department of Chemicals and
Petrochemicals, Govt. of India in 2018, Women Scientist – BRSI, Young Scientist Award
–BRSI. Further, her research has produced over 165 refereed International publications
and 36 Book chapters, 12 Books and others which have been well received by the global
scientific community through citations (Google Scholar, h index 39, citations 7126). Board Member(s)cis_eic_Tamal_001 MandalTamalDepartment of Chemical EngineeringNational institute of TechnologyDurgapurIndia
Dr. Tamal Mandal is a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the National
institute of Technology, Durgapur. He did PhD in Chemical Engg from the Jadavpur
University, Kolkata, M.Tech in Chemical Engg from the National Institute of Technology,
Durgapur, M.Tech in Biotechnology from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, and B. Tech in
Chemical Engg from the Jadavpur University, Kolkata. of ChemistrySri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of EngineeringKalavakkamIndia
Dr. A. Murugesan did post graduation in chemistry from C. B. M.
College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India. He did his doctoral
studies during 2010 to 2013, from the Dept of Applied Science and
Technology, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India under the
supervision of Dr. S. Sivanesan. He worked as Research Associate, from
2013 to 2014. Then from 2014 to 2016, he worked as CSIR-Research
Associate at Polymer Advanced Materials Lab, Dept of Polymer Science
and Engineering, CSIR-NCL, Pune under the guidance of Dr. S. Sivaram.
Dr. A. Murugesan became the Assistant Professor of Chemistry and
Polymer Science at Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India in 2016. He obtained Bharat Vikas Award for
Publications - ISR/BVA/2017-18 and Scibay Young Researcher Award by
Society for Chemical and Synthetic Biology at Scibay International
Conference on Science, Engineering, Technology and Management, at
Chennai. Murugesan has researched on various fields like Conversion of
plastic waste into alternative fuels and value-add chemicals,
Pyrolysis of catalytic depolymerization, Polymeric membrane synthesis,
Upcycling of polymer wastes, Porous polymers for energy related
applications, Adsorption Separation Technology and Wastewater
treatment. He has published 26 journal papers and 1 patent work. He is
supervising five Ph.D. scholars and guiding many UG and PG students.
He has completed four faculty funded and seven student funded
sponsored projects. He is a reviewer in many international journals
like Chemical Engineering Journal, Environment Progress and
Sustainable Energy, etc. He has Lifetime membership in the Society of
Polymer Science, India, MS No: 452; and a lifetime membership in
Association of Chemistry Teachers, Maharashtra, India, MS No: 2268
professional bodies. Editorial Board Member(s)cis_ebm_Banerjee_001BanerjeePriyaDepartment of Environmental StudiesRabindra Bharati UniversityKolkataIndiaprya_bnrje@yahoo.comcis_ebm_Manna_001MannaSuvenduDepartment of Health Safety and EnvironmentUniversity of Petroleum and Energy StudiesDehradunIndia0000-0002-1228-549135885832600N-9311-20136U-tQ-AAAAAJ&