Current Indian Science is an open-access journal that publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews, editorials, commentaries, perspectives, letters to the editor, and guest-edited thematic issues across various disciplines focused largely on science in India. Contributions from abroad are also more
Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to Astronomy and Astrophysics.
The section Astronomy and Astrophysics of the journal Current Indian Science publishes original research articles, letters, reviews/mini-reviews, and guest-edited thematic issues in all areas of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
This section is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wide range of sub-fields in the area. Articles of multi-disciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Submissions in the following areas are of special interest to the readers of this journal:
· Astrobiology
· Astrochemistry
· Astronomical instrumentation
· Astronomical space instrumentation
· Astrophysical cosmology
· Blackhole physics
· Classical and quantum theory of gravitation
· Compact stars
· Cosmic rays
· Early universe
· Extended theories of gravity
· Formation and evolution of galaxies
· High-energy astroparticle physics
· History and philosophy of cosmic science
· Gravitational waves
· Mathematical cosmology
· Observational cosmology
· Planetary astrophysics
· Space missions and hazards
· Star formation
EditorsRaySaibalDepartment of PhysicsGovernment College of Engineering & Ceramic Technology
KolkataIndiasaibal@associates.iucaa.inEditorial Board Member(s)cis_ebm_Das_001DasSudiptaDepartment of PhysicsVisva-BharatiSantiniketanIndia0000-0002-0578-1710 of MathematicsAsutosh CollegeKolkataIndia
Prabir Rudra received his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and
Technology (IIEST), Shibpur, India in 2016, working on the gravitational collapse of
stars and the dynamics of some dark energy models. Then he joined Asutosh College,
Kolkata, India as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics, where he is serving till date.
He is a visiting associate of the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics
(IUCAA), Pune, India. His research interest includes gravitational collapse of stars,
dynamics of dark energy models, modified gravity theories, astronomical data analysis,
black holes, naked singularities, etc. Till date he has published over 40 research
papers in reputed international journals and has collaborated with various national and
international researchers. He has refereed for over a dozen of international journals.
He is also a reviewer of the American Mathematical Society.
Biography0000-0002-5791-569656739044400rudra@associates.iucaa.incis_ebm_Mishra_001MishraBivuduttaDepartment of MathematicsBITS-Pilani- Hyderabad campusHyderabadIndia
Dr. Bivudutta Mishra received his Ph.D. degree from Sambalpur University, Odisha, India
in 2003. His main area of research is Cosmology and Relativity and currently working on
the theoretical aspects of Dark Energy and Modified Theory of Gravity. He has already
published more than 100 research papers in these areas of research in journals of
national and international repute. He has presented several research papers and
delivered invited talks in these areas in national and international conferences held in
India and abroad. He has conducted several academic and scientific events in the
department. He has become a member of the scientific advisory committee of national and
international academic events. He has successfully completed two sponsored projects: one
each from University Grants.
Biography0000-0001-5527-35657201368084bivudutta@yahoo.comcis_ebm_Maurya_001MauryaSunil K.Department of Mathematical and Physical SciencesUniversity of NizwaNizwaOman0000-0003-4089-365136183773200 of Natural SciencesUniversity of Zululand/Mangosuthu University of TechnologyDurbanSouth Africaabeesham@yahoo.comcis_ebm_piyali_001BharPiyaliDepartment of MathematicsGovernment General Degree CollegeSingurIndia0000-0001-9747-100956166335600
piyalibhar90@gmail.comcis_ebm_Rahaman_001RahamanFarookDepartment of MathematicsJadavpur UniversityKolkataIndiarahaman@associates.iucaa.incis_ebm_Tripathy-sun_001TripathySunil K.Department of PhysicsIndira Gandhi Institute of Technology, SarangDhenkanalIndia
Dr. Sunil Kumar Tripathy obtained his Ph.D. Degree in Theoretical Nuclear Physics from
Sambalpur University and was involved in teaching students at different institutes in
the state of Odisha. Presently, he is working as an Associate Professor of Physics at
the Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, an autonomous institute of the Odisha
State Govt. Dr. Tripathy has a keen research interest in the fields of Neutron Star,
Nuclear Equation of State, Cosmology, Modified Gravity, Astrophysics and Semiconducting
materials. To his credit, Dr. Tripathy has published more than 75 articles in the
national and international journals. K.Department of PhysicsUnited College of Engineering and ResearchGreater NoidaIndia0000-0002-5174-554257190871441 Y.National Research Nuclear UniversityMoscowRussiakhlopov@apc.univ-paris7.frDekaManoj KumarDept. of Applied SciencesGauhati UniversityGuwahatiIndiaAssociate Editorial Board Member(s)cis_ebm_Uday-Narayan-ab_001GhoshUday NarayanDepartment of MathematicsKKM CollegeMunger UniversityMungerIndia
Uday Narayan Ghosh is a research scholar of Mathematics at the Visva Bharati University.
He is a passionate and dedicated research worker in the field of Nonlinear dynamics,
Plasma Physics and Mathematics as well as a confident educator with 10 years of teaching
experience. He is a creative thinker and a keen problem solver with analytical nature.
His expertise has been reflected in many of his works. As a single author, he has
published in renowned journals with 575 citations, H-index 12 and i10 index 15. He has
the capability to guide others and work in a team.