Current Indian Science is an open-access journal that publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews, editorials, commentaries, perspectives, letters to the editor, and guest-edited thematic issues across various disciplines focused largely on science in India. Contributions from abroad are also more
Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on the topics related to antibiotic resistance and human microbiome.
Current Indian Science: Antibiotic Resistance and Human Microbiome publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on the topics related to Antibiotic resistance and Human microbiome.
Editorscis_eic_Das_001DasBhabatoshTranslational Health Science and Technology InstituteFaridabadIndia
Bhabatosh Das is a Molecular Microbiologist working as Associate Professor at the
Health Science and Technology Institute, an autonomous institute under the Dept. of
Biotechnology, Govt. of India. His major research focus is to understand the (i)
composition, diversity and dynamics of human gut microbiome and (ii) role of human gut
microbiota in the emergence of antimicrobial resistant bacterial pathogens.
His lab has received generous support from several national (DBT, DST, ICMR, Govt. of
India) and international (GATES foundation, Wellcome Trust) funding agencies.
Biography0000-0002-2447-5380 Editorscis_ebm_Dhali-go_001DhaliGopal K.Department of GastroenterologySchool of Digestive and Liver DiseasesInstitute of Postgraduate Medical Education And ResearchKolkataIndia
Gopal Krishna Dhali is currently a Professor and Head of the Department of
Gastroenterology, School of Digestive and Liver Diseases, Institute of Postgraduate
Medical Education And Research, Kolkata, India. His research interests include
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Portal Hypertension and Irritable bowel syndrome.
Biography24821913100Gastroenterologygkdhali11@gmail.comcis_ebm_Khan-asad_001KhanAsad UllahMedical Microbiology and Molecular Biology LabAligarh Muslim UniversityAligarhIndia
Prof. Asad U Khan graduated in Chemistry and did his post graduate in Biotechnology and
obtained a doctorate in Biochemistry from Aligarh Muslim University and later proceeded
for his post doc in RUTGERS University New Jersey, USA during 2000-2003 for three years.
Currently, he is a Professor and Ex-Coordinator Biotechnology Unit, AMU, Aligarh India.
He has been involved in teaching microbiology at post-graduate and doctoral level for
the last 24 years and has guided 27 PhDs, 17 MDs/MPhil and >57 Current Indian Science
Masters dissertations in the area of antibiotic resistance and therapy. He has published
over 240 research articles in the area of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms in peer
reviewed high impact Q1/Q2 journals with H-Index 42 (Scopus). His work has been cited in
Nature, Science, Cell, EMBO J, JBC etc. He has been appointed as a Visiting Professor at
the University Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia for the period of two years. He is a member
of several international committees.
Biography0000-0001-9191-94237404909300Antimicrobial resistanceasad.k@rediffmail.comAssociate Editorial Board Member(s)ChauhanNarsinghDepartment of BiochemistryMD UniversityRohtakIndia
Dr. NS Chauhan has published a number of scientific papers on the characterization of the
diverse microbiome for their native community structure, physiological functions,
strategies, commensalism, and hostmicrobial interactions. He has established an
of the human microbiome with gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory illnesses, and
ayurvedic host phenotype. Currently, he is serving on various academic and
portfolios and has been recognized for his outstanding teaching and research.