Current Indian Science is an open-access journal that publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews, editorials, commentaries, perspectives, letters to the editor, and guest-edited thematic issues across various disciplines focused largely on science in India. Contributions from abroad are also more
Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on the topics related to synthesis, structure, properties, reactivity, biological activity and application of Structural Chemistry.
The Structural Chemistry section of the journal Current Indian Science publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews, and guest-edited thematic issues on various topics related to the understanding of the role of structure and function in molecules in different states of matter.
This section is not limited to specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wide range of sub-fields in the area. Articles of multi-disciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Submissions in the following areas are of special interest to the readers of this journal:
· Chemistry of Clusters
· Co-crystallization
· Computational Chemistry
· Coordination Chemistry
· Host-Guest Chemistry
· High-Pressure studies
· Liquid Crystals
· Materials Chemistry
· Medicinal Chemistry
· Organometallic Chemistry
· Phase Transition in Solids
· Polymorphism
· Solid-State Reactivity
· Supramolecular Catalysis
· SupramolecularChemistry
Editorscis_eic_Chopra-de_001ChopraDeepakDepartment of ChemistryIndian Institute of Science Education and ResearchBhopalIndia0000-0002-0018-60077006211842
Dr. Deepak Chopra is currently a Professor in the Department of Chemistry at IISER
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. He received his degree in B.Sc. (H) Chemistry (Gold Medalist)
from Jadavpur University in 2001. He completed the Integrated PhD program from Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore and postdoctoral work at the University of Toledo, Ohio,
USA. His active research interests include intermolecular interactions, and polymorphism
in molecular crystals. He is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of
Molecular Structure, a Co-Editor of the journal Acta Crystallographica E (IUCr, Chester)
and a Fellow of the Indian Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry. Board Member(s)cis_eic_Nayak-ab_001NayakSusanta KumarDepartment of ChemistryVisvesvaraya National Institute of TechnologyNagpurIndia
Dr. Susanta K. Nayak is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry,
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur, India. He obtained his PhD
degree from Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore (2010). He went to Centre for
Nano Science and Technology @ Polimi, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) &
NFMLab-DCMIC "Giulio Natta" Politecnico di Milano, Italy to pursue his postdoctoral
study. He was awarded with Marie Curie Research Fellow (IIF) to work at the Université
de Rennes 1, France (2012-2014). His research group at VNIT mainly emphasizes on organic
based molecules utilizing Crystal Engineering, Supramolecular chemistry, Liquid crystals
for biological activity study as well as material application along with the
establishment of Structure-Property relationship through experimental and computational
BiographySection Editor(s)cis_eic_Ahmad-sh_001Ionic liquidsBeheraKamalakantaDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of ScienceUniversity of AllahabadPrayagraj, U.PIndia0000-0001-7883-5401
Dr. Kamalakanta Behera is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied
Chemistry (CBFS, ASAS), Amity University Gurgaon, Haryana, India. He obtained his PhD
degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi in 2010. Then he went to Nagoya
University Japan & Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore as a postdoctoral
research fellow. He was selected for the prestigious JSPS postdoctoral Fellowship in
2012. He also worked as a DST fast track young scientist in Jamia Millia Islamia from
2016 - 2019. His research group mainly focuses on ionic Liquids, Deep Eutectic Solvents,
Colloids, Photophysics, Sensors and Biosensors.