Current Indian Science

Current Indian Science is an open-access journal that publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews, editorials, commentaries, perspectives, letters to the editor, and guest-edited thematic issues across various disciplines focused largely on science in India. Contributions from abroad are also more

  • ISSN (Print): 2210-299X
  • ISSN (Online): 2210-3007
  • Issues: 3 , 2025
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Current Indian Science

About The Section


Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to photochemistry. 
Current Indian Science: Photochemistry publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to photocatalytic reaction. This is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wide range of sub fields in the area. 
Editors Sivasamy Arumugam CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute Chennai India Section Editor(s) Photo catalysis Ahmaruzzaman Md. Department of Chemistry National Institute of Technology Silchar Silchar India

Md. Ahmaruzzaman is currently working as senior associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology Silchar, India. He has been ranked among the top 2% scientists in the world for the last two consecutive years and also declared as the "Best Scientist in University'' in the world scientist and university ranking 2021, published by AD SCIENTIFIC INDEX. His worldwide ranking (subject wise) is 24. He received his postgraduate degree in M.Sc. (Chemistry) from North Bengal University after his graduation from the same University. He also received his postgraduate degree in M.Tech. from Jadavpur University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He has supervised several projects at the post graduate level and produced more than ten PhDs. He has published more than 170 research papers in international journals as well as in various national and international conferences. He has more than 9000 Citations in international journals. He is a reviewer of various peer-reviewed reputed national and international journals.


Section: Photochemistry

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