Current Indian Science

Current Indian Science is an open-access journal that publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews, editorials, commentaries, perspectives, letters to the editor, and guest-edited thematic issues across various disciplines focused largely on science in India. Contributions from abroad are also more

  • ISSN (Print): 2210-299X
  • ISSN (Online): 2210-3007
  • Issues: 3 , 2025
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Current Indian Science

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Publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to nanocomposites. 
Current Indian Science: Nanocomposites publishes original research articles, letters, case reports, reviews/mini-reviews and guest edited thematic issues on various topics related to photocatalytic reaction. This is not limited to a specific aspect of the field but is instead devoted to a wide range of sub fields in the area. Articles of multi-disciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Submissions in the following areas are of special interest to the readers of this journal.
Editors cis_eic_sharma_001 Sharma Gaurav School of Chemistry Shoolini University Himachal Pradesh India 0000-0002-5010-1710 57200185826

Dr. Gaurav Sharma research activity started in 2009 at Shoolini University (India) as master of philosophy student, and then, he continued his research work as PhD student with the preparation and characterization of diverse multifunctional nanomaterials, and their composites, specially focused on potential applications in environmental remediation (as photocatalysts and adsorbents). In 2014, he became an Associate Professor in the School of chemistry at Shoolini University (India), where he carried out diverse research lines, interrelated to each other based on synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites, hydrogels, bi and trimetallic nanoparticles, ion exchangers, adsorbents and photocatalysts etc. He has supervised 5 Master of Philosophy, and more than 25 Masters and Bachelors students. He joined as postdoctoral fellow at college of materials science and engineering, Shenzhen University. He is reviewer of more than 30 journals He has to his credit more than 125 publications (Total: 128)-SCI. He has published 9 book chapters and edited four books. Furthermore, the impact of his research has been highlighted by the fact that 20 of his publications are highly cited articles in Web of Science with total citations more than 1900. His h-index is 47, citations: 4886 (web of science); Google Scholar: h-index is 50, citations: 5194. He is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Springer).

Section Editors cis_eic_Ahmad-Rais-ab_001 Wastewater Treatment Ahmad Rais Department of Applied Chemistry Z. H. College of Engineering & Technology Faculty of Engineering & Technology Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh India

Dr. Rais Ahmad is presently working as Professor in the Department of Applied Chemistry, AMU Aligarh, India. Dr. Ahmad has also worked as a PDF fellow in South Korea and carried out his research in the field of nanotechnology. Dr. Ahmad has published more than seventy-five (75) research articles in the journal of international repute. Dr. Ahmad has also reviewed more than seventy-seven (77) research articles in (Elsevier) and twenty-three (23) research articles published by (Nature, ACS, RSC, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Bentham Science). Dr. Ahmad's research article has been cited in the world top ten articles in the domain of adsorption. Dr. Ahmad is also working as Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board member & Advisory member in the journals of international repute. Total citations of Dr. Ahmad's research papers are 4500, h-index-30 and i10-index-58. Dr. Ahmad's name has been cited in the world top 2% scientists, India ranking (23) conducted by Stanford University, USA (2020). Dr. Ahmad's name has also been cited in the world top 1 lac scientists and 4th rank in AMU published by Elsevier B.V. (2021).

cis_eic_Hirakendu-ab_001 Nanomaterial Basu Hirakendu Bhabha Atomic Research Centre of India Mumbai India

Dr. Hirakendu Basu is working in Analytical Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre of India. He completed his B.Sc. from Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, under Calcutta University in 2005 and M.Sc. from Calcutta University in 2007. He then joined 52nd batch of the BARC training school. He completed his M. Tech and PhD (Synthesis, characterization of hybrid materials and their application for potable water decontamination) from Homi Bhabha National Institute. His areas of research interest are environmental analytical chemistry, colloidal migration study, development of hybrid materials, polymeric nanocomposites, core-shell nanoparticles, natural radioactivity and colorimetric sensors. He has published more than 70 papers in International peer reviewed journals and more than 60 conference publications. His h-index is 24 and i10-index is 47.c

Associate Editorial Board Member(s) cis_eic_Sadiq-jaff-ae_001 Sadiq Mohamed Mohamed Jaffer School of Chemical Science and Technology Yunnan University Kunming China

Dr. Mohamed Jaffer Sadiq Mohamed, PhD, is working as Postdoctoral Researcher in the School of Chemical Science and Technology, Yunnan University, Kunming, P.R. China. Dr. Mohamed Jaffer Sadiq M received B.Sc. (2006) in Chemistry from Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu; M.Sc. (2008) in Applied Chemistry from National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu; M.Tech. (2014) in Nanotechnology from Karunya University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu; and PhD (2017) in Chemistry from National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal, Mangalore, Karnataka. He started his career as a Chemist in Hindustan Zinc Limited, Rajasthan, for 4 years. Dr. Mohamed Jaffer Sadiq M is now working as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the School of Chemical Science and Technology, Kunming and actively involved in teaching and research activities. He has more than 10 years of industrial and research experience. His areas of interest are photocatalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, wastewater treatment, biomaterials, bionanotechnology etc. Dr. Mohamed Jaffer Sadiq M has published 20 research articles and technical papers in International peer reviewed journals like Springer, Elsevier, RSC, and ACS etc. He is also serving as editor and reviewer of several journals. He has participated in several State, National, and International conferences, seminars, workshops, and symposia and more than 20 conference papers are to his credit.

cis_eic_Girigoswami-ji_001 Girigoswami Koyeli Faculty of Allied Health Sciences Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute Kelambakkam India

Dr. Koyeli Girigoswami, Associate Professor, Biophysics, FAHS, CHRI has done her M.Sc. and PhD in Biophysics from University of Kalyani and pursued her Post Doc from KAIST, South Korea. She was working as Assistant Professor at AIIHߖPH, Govt of India before joining CHRI. Her field of research interest is medical bionanotechnology, development of bionanosensors, toxicity study using mammalian cell culture and zebrafish model, ZnO nanoflowers and its application, Amyloidosis, Enzymes from natural sources to degrade insulin amyloids, Alzheimer’s beta amyloid and prion peptide.

cis_eic_Parameshwaran-ab_001 Parameshwaran Rajagopalan Department of Mechanical Engineering Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani (BITS-Pilani) Pilani India

Dr. R. Parameshwaran is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus. He received his B.E. degree with distinction in Mechanical Engineering from Bharathiar University in 2003. He obtained his M.E. in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning from Anna University, Chennai in 2007. He received a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in 2014. He is recognized as one of the leading researchers in India in the field of nanomaterials-based thermal energy storage for sustainable buildings. He is now placed at the second position among the top researchers in the country in the abovementioned field, based on the Scopus database. His research interests include thermal energy storage, nanomaterials, nanoscale heat transport, smart and sustainable buildings. His research career over a decade enabled him to contribute significantly in the development of novel hybrid nanomaterials-embedded phase change materials for cooling applications. His active research contributions on thermal energy storage systems using nanomaterials have made him publish a number of papers in peer reviewed International Journals and Conferences. To add to his research credentials, he has also authored books and book chapters on thermal energy storage in buildings using nanomaterials. He is a recipient of the prestigious “Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship” for carrying out his Research in Japan. He is a recipient of outstanding contributions in reviewing for a number of international journals. He is appointed as an Academic Editor for PLOS ONE Journal in 2021 and he is serving as an Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Hydromechatronics, Materials Science Research India, Trends in Renewable Energy from 2017 to present. He also received the 5th Bry-Air Awards for Excellence in HVAC&R in 2010 for innovative and outstanding research project work.

cis_eic_Bhowmik-ab_001 Basanta Bhowmik Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering NIT Jamshedpur Jamshedpur India

Dr. Basanta Bhowmik is currently working as assistant Professor in the Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIT Jamshedpur. He received PhD from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India. His research interest includes Nanomaterial, Nanocomposite, Chemical Sensor, and Disease Diagnosis. He is the author and co-author of about forty-two research articles in the journals and conferences of international repute. He received CSIR SRF fellowship and best poster award in the event Research Scholar Colloquium organized by IIEST Shibpur in 2014. He has been awarded the second best PhD thesis by Institute of Smart Structure and System, IISc Bangalore. He is a member of IEEE, IEEE Electron Device Society, IEEE Sensor Council, IEEE Nanotechnology Council and life member of Institute of Smart Structure and System, India. He presently served as an active reviewer of many journals including, IEEE Sensor Journal (IEEE), RSC Advances (RSC), ACS Sensor (ACS), Smart material and structures (IOP) Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (Elsevier), Journal of Nanoparticle Research (Springer), BioNanoscience (Springer), Microelectronics Journal ((Elsevier)), Vaccum (Elsevier), Nanoexpress, Chemical Engineering Journal etc.


Section: Nanocomposites

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