Recent Advances in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery publishes review and research articles, drug clinical trial studies and guest edited thematic issues on recent patents in the field of anti-infective drug discovery e.g. on novel bioactive compounds, analogs & targets. The journal is essential more
eISBN: 978-981-5124-54-5
ISBN: 978-981-5124-55-2
The immune system is highly complex, it senses foreign invaders, thus protecting the body. The adaptive arm of the immune system confers long-term protection, whereas the innate immune system confers immediate protection. The immune system uses pattern recognition receptors that are able to sense the molecular patterns associated with pathogens. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are important mediators of inflammatory pathways in the gut which play a major role in mediating the immune responses towards a wide variety of pathogen-derived ligands and link adaptive immunity with the innate immunity. This book covers the role of TLRs in several vector-borne Diseases. Starting with an introduction to these diseases, the book explains the different types of receptors involved in these diseases. The diseases are then covered in separate chapters, including: malaria, lymphatic filariasis, visceral leishmaniasis, dengue fever, chikungunya, West Nile fever, and Japanese encephalitis. The book is a handy reference for researchers and trainees involved in clinical medicine and infection control. It can also serve as supplementary reading material for Students undertaking courses in biotechnology, public health, entomology, immunology, epidemiology, and life sciences.
eISBN: 978-981-5124-60-6
ISBN: 978-981-5124-61-3
Today, treatment options for cancer patients typically include surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy. While these therapies have saved lives and reduced pain and suffering, cancer still takes millions of lives every year around the world. Researchers are now developing advanced therapeutic strategies such as immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and combination nanotechnology for drug delivery. In addition, the identification of new biomarkers will potentiate early-stage diagnosis. Molecular Targets and Cancer presents information about cancer diagnosis and therapy in a simple way. It covers several aspects of the topic with updated information on par with medical board levels. The book features contributions from experts and includes an overview of cancer from basic biology and pathology, classifications, surveillance, prevention, diagnosis, types of cancer, treatment and prognosis. The second part of this book discusses specialized topics in clinical oncology which include the pathophysiology of various types of cancer, cancer screening, different types of cancer surgery, cancer stem cell-targeted immunotherapy, nanotechnology for precision medicine applications in cancer and cancer surveillance. This comprehensive guide is a valuable resource for oncologists, researchers, and all medical professionals who work in cancer care and research.
eISBN: 978-981-5080-38-4
ISBN: 978-981-5080-39-1
Today, treatment options for cancer patients typically include surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy. While these therapies have saved lives and reduced pain and suffering, cancer still takes millions of lives every year around the world. Researchers are now developing advanced therapeutic strategies such as immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and combination nanotechnology for drug delivery. In addition, the identification of new biomarkers will potentiate early-stage diagnosis. Molecular Targets and Cancer presents information about cancer diagnosis and therapy in a simple way. It covers several aspects of the topic with updated information on par with medical board levels. The book features contributions from experts and includes an overview of cancer from basic biology and pathology, classifications, surveillance, prevention, diagnosis, types of cancer, treatment and prognosis. The first part of this book introduces the reader to cancer epidemiology, genetic alterations in cancer, exogenous and endogenous factors in carcinogenesis, roles for growth factors in cancer progression, cell signaling in cancer, transcription factors in cancer, and cancer genetics and epigenetics. This comprehensive guide is a valuable resource for oncologists, researchers, and all medical professionals who work in cancer care and research.
eISBN: 978-981-5123-19-7
ISBN: 978-981-5123-20-3
Drug repurposing is a cost-effective method of discovering new treatments for diseases than traditional drug development methods. It involves virtual screening of chemical candidates with the aid of computational methods like molecular docking. Drug Repurposing against SARS-CoV2 focuses on current trends in drug repurposing against the novel coronavirus strains. The book aims to give readers an overview of drug repurposing against COVID-19 and various techniques involved in the process. The book consolidates available information on the pathophysiology, drug targets, and drug repurposing against COVID-19 into a single, convenient resource. Key features -An up-to-date compilation of the evidence that supports the drug repurposing for COVID-19. -How to use repurposing of available drugs for disease therapy. -Provides an improved understanding of pathophysiology and SARS-CoV2 viral entry pathways. - Provides references for further reading
eISBN: 978-981-5080-77-3
ISBN: 978-981-5080-78-0
Illustrated Pediatric Dentistry is intended to be a text book for enhancing the knowledge and understanding of paediatric dentistry amongst undergraduate and postgraduate students. This textbook is updated with the latest information on techniques employed in paediatric dentistry. Chapters in this part cover primary paediatric dentistry, its clinical aspects, preventive dentistry, and information about the latest trends prevalent in this specialty field of dentistry. The text will equip readers with the knowledge suited to the changing environment of this vital domain. The editor of this textbook has over forty-four years of teaching experience in paediatric dentistry and is able to successfully impart a broad perspective of the subject through the book’s contents. This textbook is the amalgamation of the experience and knowledge of various subject experts that command a high international reputation. Part 2 covers orofacial swelling, pediatric space management, interceptive orthodontics and myofunctional therapy, gingival and periodontal diseases, oral hygiene, minimum intervention dentistry (MID), molar incisor hypoplasia (MIH), restorative dentistry, and oral examination and diagnostic aids used in pediatric dentistry. Key Features: - The 15, structured chapters present the latest trends in paediatric dentistry - The book content is illustrated with quality clinical images, - Chapters cover contemporary concepts of problems experienced when treating multiple dental disorders in young patients - Contributions from subject experts present distinct clinical expertise and a unique style of imparting important current knowledge to budding professionals - The book includes modern and current state-of-the-art techniques used in the clinic - Topic outlines throughout the book will greatly help readers to quickly locate and review the content. Contents of the book are very well structured and presented in a lucid manner, making it easy to understand.
eISBN: 978-981-5124-21-7
ISBN: 978-981-5124-22-4
Menopause is a significant milestone in a woman's life, marking the end of fertility and the start of a new phase. However, it can also bring many physical and emotional symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood changes, and a higher risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. Because of these issues, dealing with menopause can be a challenge. From Taboo to Wellness: The Facts behind Menopause is an informative guide to menopause. It provides clarity and accessibility for anyone interested in understanding the topic, and wants to deconstruct any myths that surround it with facts. From symptoms to treatments, this book covers everything you need to know about menopause in an engaging and easy-to-understand way. Written with the general reader in mind, this book explores the science behind menopause, as well as the male andropause and how it differs from the female experience. With insights into Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and future treatments using stem cells, it gives a comprehensive understanding of the options for managing menopause. But that's not all - the book also delves into the fascinating world of menopause in the animal kingdom, offering a unique perspective on how different species experience hormonal changes caused by this life-changing event.
eISBN: 978-981-5040-19-7
ISBN: 978-981-5040-20-3
Advances in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) are nominal. Currently available therapies are merely symptomatic treatments that cannot prevent the development of the disease. Several herbs have been found very useful for managing neurological diseases. There are immense possibilities to discover a more successful line of ND treatment. Phytochemicals from medicinal plants may play a vital role in maintaining the chemical balance of the brain by affecting the capacity of receptors for the major inhibitory neurotransmitters. A few plants have already gained popularity for the potential treatment of NDs. This volume highlights the therapeutic role of medicinal plants and their scientific validation for improving neuronal health. It presents 15 chapters that cover the herbal treatment of NDs, including Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. The contents cover a range of pharmaceutical agents like sirtuins, berberine, rosmarinic acid and resveratrol. The book serves as a reference for pharmacology and herbal medicine scholars as well as healthcare workers interested in information about alternative and complementary therapies for neurological disorders.
eISBN: 978-981-5080-05-6
ISBN: 978-981-5080-06-3
Despite an increase in life expectancy over the past 20 years, the number of novel, multi-drug resistant microorganisms has also risen dramatically. To reduce the risk of reemerging infections, and limit the spread of multidrug resistant microorganisms, it is urgently necessary to develop safe and effective therapeutic countermeasures. New antimicrobial chemicals are mostly produced with the help of microorganisms, and the bulk of medications now on the market are of this type. The use of high therapeutic screening and recent developments in analytical instrumentation has allowed the researchers to identify novel antimicrobial compounds from bacteria, fungi, plants, mushrooms, algae, and other sources more quickly. The second volume of Frontiers in Antimicrobial Agents highlights the ongoing requirement for researching and creating novel antimicrobial medications. Current Trends in the Identification and Development of Antimicrobial Agents aims to bring together the expertise of notable academics to examine all facets of antimicrobial research while keeping recent advancements in perspective. Antibiotic discovery, sources of novel antimicrobial chemicals, developing and reemerging microbial infections, various elements of drug resistance, and the need for antimicrobial medications in the future are all covered in this book. It is a timely reference for anyone involved in the discovery and development of new drugs, including microbiologists, biotechnologists, pharmacologists, doctors, and researchers.
eISBN: 978-981-5080-50-6
ISBN: 978-981-5080-51-3
Nanotechnology has revolutionized cancer diagnosis and therapy through targeted drug delivery. Advances in protein engineering and materials science have led to the development of nanocarriers (NCs), which have helped overcome the challenges faced during conventional cancer treatment. These nanocarriers serve as an efficient transport module for drugs. Nano-drug delivery has emerged as a promising technology that results in early detection and better treatment of various cancers. The approved nanoparticles currently used in cancer treatment strategies include liposomes, dendrimers, polyplexes, solid lipid nano-carriers, etc. These nanocarriers shall provide a quick, safe, and cost-effective method in cancer therapy and management. This book contains thirteen chapters focusing on the treatment of various cancers, i.e., lung, breast, cervical, ovarian, colon, prostate, head and neck, etc., through nanocarrier drugs. The chapters include reviews on a wide variety of advanced data from existing and ongoing clinical research and major regulatory considerations. This reference book will greatly benefit undergraduate and postgraduate students, oncologists, pharmacists, and researchers involved in nanomedicine and nano-drug delivery.
eISBN: 978-981-5049-36-7
ISBN: 978-981-5049-37-4
This book explores the different ways sleep medicine is practiced in the world by presenting information from multiple countries from all continents. The editors, all sleep medicine experts, dive into both clinical practice, and research keeping an eye on healthcare needs and disparities, before proposing solutions. The contributions also take into account the social, geographical and political situation of each country, along with demographic considerations such as income levels, adding a dimension of context to the contents. The book is meant to be a reference for sleep medicine practitioners who encounter diverse patients in their daily practice. It also serves as a good resource for anyone interested in the state of global health studies.