Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistryaims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments in medicinal chemistry and rational drug design for the discovery of anti-cancer agents. Each issue contains a series of timely in-depth/mini-reviews and guest-edited issues written by leaders more
eISBN: 978-1-68108-775-7
ISBN: 978-1-68108-776-4
Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents is a book series intended for pharmaceutical scientists, postgraduate students and researchers seeking updated and critical information for developing clinical trials and devising research plans in anti-cancer research. Reviews in each volume are written by experts in medical oncology and clinical trials research and compile the latest information available on special topics of interest to oncology and pharmaceutical chemistry researchers. The seventh volume of the book features reviews on these topics: </P> · Essential oils and monoterpenes as potential anti-cancer agents </P> · Drug delivery systems and emerging immunotherapeutic strategies for the treatment of glioblastoma </P> · CTDNA in solid tumors </P> · Cholesterol treatments (including Pitavastatin) and their potential in cancer treatment
eISBN: 978-981-18-0374-1
ISBN: 978-981-18-0372-7
Advances in Organic Synthesis is a book series devoted to the latest advances in synthetic approaches towards challenging structures. The series presents comprehensive reviews written by eminent authorities on different synthetic approaches to selected target molecules and new methods developed to achieve specific synthetic transformations or optimal product yields. Advances in Organic Synthesis is essential for all organic chemists in academia and the industry who wish to keep abreast of rapid and important developments in the field. This volume presents the following chapters: - “On Water” And “In Water” Strategies for Heterocyclic Transformations - Ionic Liquid Based Polyoxometalates as Functionalized Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Catalytic Organic Reactions - Recent Advances in the Synthesis and Bio-Applications of some Oxygen and Sulphur Containing Seven Membered Heterocyclic Compounds - Application of Nitriles on the Synthesis of 5-Membered Azaheterocycles: An Update from 2014 To 2020 - The Role of Carbon-Based Solid Acid Catalysts in Organic Synthesis
eISBN: 978-981-14-2156-3
ISBN: 978-981-14-2155-6
Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery is a book series devoted to publishing the latest and the most important advances in drug design and discovery. Eminent scientists have contributed chapters focused on all areas of rational drug design and drug discovery including medicinal chemistry, in-silico drug design, combinatorial chemistry, high-throughput screening, drug targets, and structure-activity relationships. This book series should prove to be of interest to all pharmaceutical scientists who are involved in research in drug design and discovery and who wish to keep abreast of rapid and important developments in the field. The tenth volume of this series brings together reviews covering topics related to the treatment of neoplasms, systems biology, respiratory diseases among others. Topics included in this volume are: - Recombinant Protein Production: from Bench to Biopharming - Plant Virus Nanoparticles and Virus like Particles (VLPs): Applications in Medicine - MAO Inhibitory Activity Of 4, 5-Dihydro-1 HPyrazole Derivatives: A Platform To Design Novel Antidepressants - Flavonoids Antagonize Effects of Alcohol in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons: A Drug Discovery Study - Hybrid Smart Materials for Topical Drug Delivery: Application of Scaffolds
eISBN: 978-981-14-9263-1
ISBN: 978-981-14-9262-4
This book provides notes for basic laboratory experiments in qualitative analysis of cations. The book introduces readers to basic methods and laboratory safety. Subsequent chapters cover six groups of cations. Each chapter explains important details that are required to understand how a particular analytical method works for detecting cations in samples, starting from sedimentation and ending with the identification. Key Features: - Simple, reader friendly format - introductory notes and summary - Covers several groups of metals - Appendix for handy reference with tables and references This is a useful textbook for early chemistry students and teachers as it equips the readers with sufficient information required to analyze chemical samples and deduce the presence of specific cations as part of laboratory coursework.
eISBN: 978-981-14-8974-7
ISBN: 978-981-14-8972-3
Both Asia and Africa are home to many plants that can be used for the treatment of many diseases and their medicinal properties are gaining interest in western societies. Medicinal plants from Asia and Africa are used for their healing abilities and also have a symbolic meaning in communities. The importance of traditional autochthonous plant remedies plays a crucial role in the health of millions of people of these two continents. Even today, traditional medicine represents the dominant medical system for millions of people showing a significant impact on health care practices. Therefore, traditional operators still represent a vital part of regional healthcare systems. For this reason, pharmaceutical industries consider traditional medicine as a source for the identification of bioactive compounds that can be used in the preparation of synthetic drugs. Biologically Active Natural Products from Asia and Africa: A Selection of Topics guides the reader to information about new natural products from these regions and the different ways to use them to treat or alleviate many of the most common diseases. The volume presents nine topics covering a number of facets of natural product medicine including: - pharmaceutical analysis of anti-diabetic herbal medicines from Bangladesh and local retailers - caffeine intake and the risk of female infertility - pharmaceutical analysis of Urena sinuata (bur mallow) - anti-CHIKV activities of diterpenes and their derivatives - anti-inflammatory nanogel for the treatment of psoriasis - antlithiatic properties of Moroccan medicinal plants - ethnobotanic, phytochemical and biological activities of Aristolochia longa L. (pipevine) - wound healing potential of combined extracts of stem bark and leaves of sphenocentrum jollyanum (an African shrub) This is a handy reference for specialists and R&D experts in pharmaceutical chemistry who wish to be informed about current knowledge on developing natural remedies in Asia and Africa
eISBN: 978-981-14-7843-7
ISBN: 978-981-14-7841-3
Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents is a book series intended for pharmaceutical scientists, postgraduate students and researchers seeking updated and critical information for developing clinical trials and devising research plans in anti-cancer research. Reviews in each volume are written by experts in medical oncology and clinical trials research and compile the latest information available on special topics of interest to oncology and pharmaceutical chemistry researchers. The sixth volume of the book features reviews on these topics: · Immunomodulating Agents in The Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia · Potential Natural Products for Prostate Cancer Management · Inhibition of Key Protein-Protein Interactions by Small Molecules for Cancer Drug Design · Efficacy of Hepatic Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy (HAIC) For Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma · Targeting Cancer Stem Cells: Implications in Health and Disease
eISBN: 978-981-14-2317-8
ISBN: 978-981-5049-29-9
Obesity is a complex health problem, caused by a number of factors such as excessive food intake, lack of physical activity, genetic predisposition, endocrine disorders, medications and psychiatric illnesses. The incidence of obesity among populations in both the developing and the developed world has reached epidemic proportions. In response to this, efforts to control and treat obesity have also been vigorously pursued, ranging from activities focused on raising awareness about lifestyle changes to the discovery and development of safe and effective anti-obesity drugs. Anti-obesity Drug Discovery and Development is a book series focused on this very important area of healthcare research. Each volume presents insightful updates on pharmaceutical research and development for clinical researchers and healthcare professionals involved in obesity treatment programs. The fifth volume of this series is a compilation of 6 reviews of interesting topics on the subject that highlight different aspects of obesity treatment and management, some of which are novel approaches. Topics covered in this volume include: - the effect of sleep on weight and obesity management - AMPK as a postulated target for metabolic syndrome and obesity - Harnessing addiction neuroscience to treat obesity - Current treatment of obesity versus the next generation of anti-obesogenic drugs: an ecologically and sustainable approach to health - Leptin and leptin sensitizers for the treatment of obesity related conditions - MicroRNAs as targets for the management of obesity
eISBN: 978-981-14-5871-2
ISBN: 978-981-14-5869-9
Herbal Medicine: Back to the Future compiles expert reviews on the application of herbal medicines (including Ayurveda, Chinese traditional medicines and alternative therapies) to treat different ailments. The book series demonstrates the use of sophisticated methods to understand traditional medicine, while providing readers a glimpse into the future of herbal medicine. This volume presents reviews of plant based therapies useful for treating different infectious diseases. The list of topics includes some niche reviews in this area including a review of the neem plant, the historical use of herbs in infectious disease therapy in Russia, and natural remedies from garlic, among other topics., The topics included in this volume are: - Improving anti-microbial activity of allicin and carvacrol through stabilized analogs and nanotechnology - Plant phenolics as an alternative source of antimicrobial compounds - Herbal medicine in Russia’s history: the use of herbal medicine for infectious diseases in Russia’s history - Azadirachta indica (neem) in various infectious diseases - Contribution of novel delivery systems in the development of phytotherapeutics This volume is essential reading for all researchers in the field of natural product chemistry and pharmacology. Medical professionals involved in internal medicine who seek to improve their knowledge about herbal medicine and alternative therapies for tropical and other infectious diseases will also benefit from the contents of the volume.
eISBN: 978-981-14-8183-3
ISBN: 978-981-14-8181-9
The advent of Industry 4.0 has opened a data-rich avenue of predicting and controlling premature degradation of industrial materials. For any industrial construction or manufacturing projects, performing analysis on the structural integrity of materials is crucial for their sustainability. </p> Corrosion Science: Modern Trends and Applications gives scholars a snapshot of recent contributions and development in the field of material corrosion. </p> The book presents 12 chapters that cover topics such as corrosion testing methods, anti-corrosive coating mechanisms, corrosion in different types of products (electronics, polymers), industrial systems (power plants, concrete constructions, and hydraulic systems), and corrosion as a result of environmental characteristics (such as marine surroundings). </p> The breadth of topics covered coupled with the reader-friendly presentation of the book make it highly beneficial for students, research scholars, faculty members, and R&D specialists working in the area of corrosion science, material science, solid-state science, chemical engineering, and nanotechnology. Readers will be equipped with the knowledge to understand and plan industrial processes that involve measuring the reliability and integrity of material structures which are impacted by corrosive factors.