Background: Relations among markers, quality assessment and standardization of
classical preparations like Triphala an Ayurvedic potent formulation are necessary for the selectivity
as well as acceptability of genuine plant drugs and formulation.
Objective: Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of three batches of in-house Triphala
along with its ingredients collected from three different locations of India with respect to
assess the six active markers.
Methods: Phytochemical studies, spectrophotometric estimations (TPC & TFC), chromatographic
(HPLC & HPTLC) methods were developed for the identification and quantification of
active markers in Triphala.
Results: Chemical analysis and HPTLC profiles with respect of gallic acid at Rf 0.35 of
methanol extracts showed the presence of almost similar phytochemicals in three batches.
The highest HPLC peak % area for corrilagin, 1,3,6-Trigalloyl-beta-D-glucose, ellagic acid
and chebulinic acid was calculated to be 3.753, 5.27, 24.55 and 29.47, respectively with a majority
of markers i.e. four observed in batch-III. The percentage amount of TPC at λ max 720
for batch-III of Phyllanthus emblica L., Terminalia bellirica Roxb., Terminalia chebula Retz.
and Triphala was 393.1, 374.81, 628 & 644.5 mg of TAE/g dry weight equivalent, respectively.
Similarly, TFC at λ max 510 for the same batch and ingredients was calculated to be
60.27, 40.043, 74.84 and 59.21 QUE/g dry weight equivalent, which were also observed to be
maximum in batch-III.
Conclusion: Batch-III of Triphala is of the highest quality and up to pharmacopoeial standards
(API). It may be used to predict the quality and efficacy of various commercial formulations
of Triphala. These outcomes may be utilized in pharmaceuticals for routine batch standardization
and quality control.
Triphala, HPTLC, HPLC, Total phenolics and flavanoids, Marker, Ayurvedic.
Graphical Abstract
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