Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications

Author(s): A.M. Serma Kani* and D. Paulraj

DOI: 10.2174/2213275912666190716124749

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Dynamic Consolidation of Virtual Machine: A Survey of Challenges for Resource Optimization in Cloud Computing

Page: [491 - 501] Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Virtualization is an efficient technology that accelerates available data center to support efficient workload for the application. It completely based on guest operating system which keeps track of infrastructure that keeps track of real time usage of hardware and utilization of software.

Objective: To address the issues with Virtualization this paper analyzed various virtualization terminology for treating best effective way to reduce IT expenses while boosting efficiency and deployment for all levels of businesses.

Methods: This paper discusses about the scenarios where various challenges met by Dynamic VM consolidation. Dynamic conclusion of virtual machines has the ability to increase the consumption of physical setup and focus on reducing power utilization with VM movement for stipulated period. Gathering the needs of all VM working in the application, adjusting the Virtual machine and suitably fit the virtual resource on a physical machine. Profiling and scheduling the virtual CPU to another Physical resource. This can be increased by making live migration with regards to planned schedule of virtual machine allotment.

Results: The recent trends followed in comprehending dynamic VM consolidation is applicable either in heuristic-based techniques which has further approaches based on static as well as adaptive utilization threshold. SLA with unit of time with variant HOST adoption (SLATAH) which is dependent on CPU utilization threshold with 100% for active host.

Conclusion: The cloud provider decision upon choosing the virtual machine for their application also varies with their decision support system that considers data storage and other parameters. It is being compared for the continuous workload distribution as well as eventually compared with changing demands of computation and in various optimization VM placement strategies.

Keywords: Cloud computing, Virtual machine, Resource Optimization, resource adoption, power utilization, Virtualization.

Graphical Abstract

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