Current Medical Imaging

Author(s): Ayesha Adil Khan* and Ghous Bakhsh Narejo

DOI: 10.2174/1573405615666190716122040

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Analysis of Abdominal Computed Tomography Images for Automatic Liver Cancer Diagnosis Using Image Processing Algorithm

Page: [972 - 982] Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: The application of image processing algorithms for medical image analysis has been found effectual in the past years. Imaging techniques provide assistance to the radiologists and physicians for the diagnosis of abnormalities in different organs.

Objectives: The proposed algorithm is designed for automatic computer-aided diagnosis of liver cancer from low contrast CT images. The idea expressed in this article is to classify the malignancy of the liver tumor ahead of liver segmentation and to locate HCC burden on the liver.

Methods: A novel Fuzzy Linguistic Constant (FLC) is designed for image enhancement. To classify the enhanced liver image as cancerous or non-cancerous, fuzzy membership function is applied. The extracted features are assessed for malignancy and benignancy using the structural similarity index. The malignant CT image is further processed for automatic tumor segmentation and grading by applying morphological image processing techniques.

Results: The validity of the concept is verified on a dataset of 179 clinical cases which consist of 98 benign and 81 malignant liver tumors. Classification accuracy of 98.3% is achieved by Support Vector Machine (SVM). The proposed method has the ability to automatically segment the tumor with an improved detection rate of 78% and a precision value of 0.6.

Conclusion: The algorithm design offers an efficient tool to the radiologist in classifying the malignant cases from benign cases. The CAD system allows automatic segmentation of tumor and locates tumor burden on the liver. The methodology adopted can aid medical practitioners in tumor diagnosis and surgery planning.

Keywords: Liver, image processing, classification, segmentation, CT, tumor burden, benign, malignant.

Graphical Abstract

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