Cancer-related mortality is a leading cause of death among both men and women around the world.
Target-specific therapeutic drugs, early diagnosis, and treatment are crucial to reducing the mortality rate. One of
the recent trends in modern medicine is “Theranostics,” a combination of therapeutics and diagnosis. Extensive
interest in magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) has
been increasing due to their biocompatibility, superparamagnetism, less-toxicity, enhanced programmed cell
death, and auto-phagocytosis on cancer cells. MNPs act as a multifunctional, noninvasive, ligand conjugated
nano-imaging vehicle in targeted drug delivery and diagnosis. In this review, we primarily discuss the significance
of the crystal structure, magnetic properties, and the most common method for synthesis of the smaller
sized MNPs and their limitations. Next, the recent applications of MNPs in cancer therapy and theranostics are
discussed, with certain preclinical and clinical experiments. The focus is on implementation and understanding of
the mechanism of action of MNPs in cancer therapy through passive and active targeting drug delivery (magnetic
drug targeting and targeting ligand conjugated MNPs). In addition, the theranostic application of MNPs with a
dual and multimodal imaging system for early diagnosis and treatment of various cancer types including breast,
cervical, glioblastoma, and lung cancer is reviewed. In the near future, the theranostic potential of MNPs with
multimodality imaging techniques may enhance the acuity of personalized medicine in the diagnosis and treatment
of individual patients.
Active targeting, cancer, diagnosis, magnetic nanoparticles, magnetic resonance imaging, spinel ferrites, theranostics.
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