Background: Polyalthia longifolia is a popular medicinal plant and has been widely used as a traditional remedy for centuries in curing of various ailments. The purpose of this study was conducted to determine the in situ antimicrobial synergistic effects between Polyalthia longifolia leaf ethyl acetate fraction (PLEAF) and ampicillin against MRSA local isolate by using modern microscopy technique.
Methods: Hence, the evaluation of the synergistic activity of PLEAF and ampicillin against MRSA local isolate was conducted with scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Results: The combinational effect of PLEAF fraction and ampicillin exhibited significant antibacterial activity against MRSA. Bacterial cells observations showed invagination, impaired cell division, extensive wrinkles, cell shrinkage, the appearance of a rougher cell with fibrous matrix and clustered cells which confirmed the synergistic effect of PLEAF and ampicillin against MRSA local isolate by SEM.
Conclusion: Conclusively, the in situ SEM observation proved the synergistic antimicrobial activity between PLEAF fraction and ampicillin to destroy the MRSA resistance bacteria which is an important aspect of PLEAF fraction to be used in the future combinational therapy.
Keywords: Antibacterial agent, combinational therapy, natural products, Polyalthia longifolia, resistant Staphylococcus aureus, scanning electron microscopy.