Current Bioinformatics

Author(s): Xiang Wu, Yuyang Wei, Tao Jiang, Yu Wang and Shuguang Jiang*

DOI: 10.2174/1574893614666190416152025

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A Micro-Aggregation Algorithm Based on Density Partition Method for Anonymizing Biomedical Data

Page: [667 - 675] Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Objective: Biomedical data can be de-identified via micro-aggregation achieving k - anonymity privacy. However, the existing micro-aggregation algorithms result in low similarity within the equivalence classes, and thus, produce low-utility anonymous data when dealing with a sparse biomedical dataset. To balance data utility and anonymity, we develop a novel microaggregation framework.

Methods: Combining a density-based clustering method and classical micro-aggregation algorithm, we propose a density-based second division micro-aggregation framework called DBTP . The framework allows the anonymous sets to achieve the optimal k- partition with an increased homogeneity of the tuples in the equivalence class. Based on the proposed framework, we propose a k − anonymity algorithm DBTP − MDAV and an l − diversity algorithm DBTP − l − MDAV to respond to different attacks.

Conclusions: Experiments on real-life biomedical datasets confirm that the anonymous algorithms under the framework developed in this paper are superior to the existing algorithms for achieving high utility.

Keywords: Privacy protection, micro-aggregation, k − anonymity, l − diversity, clustering, biomedical data.

Graphical Abstract

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