Background & Objective: Wireless technologies like Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and LTE are using
Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MIMO) communications that play an important role in achieving
high data rates. Bit Error Rate (BER) is one of the most important performance parameters in multipath
channels for data communication.
Methods: This research proposes a new method based on Reed Solomon (RS) coding to improve the
efficacy of a Space-Time Block Coded (STBC) MIMO System concatenated with M-ary Phase Shift
Keying (MPSK) and M-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (MQAM) in reducing BER in Rayleigh,
Rician and Nakagami channels. It is based on the error detection and correction properties intrinsic
to RS coding processes. Binary data is coded using an RS encoder and the modulated signal
STBC encoded and transmitted through Rayleigh, Rician and Nakagami channels. Signals received
by two antennas are STBC decoded, demodulated, RS decoded and tested for BER.
Results & Conclusion: Results show lower BER rates for RS Coded systems as compared for uncoded
systems in all three channels. In addition, it was found that reduction in BER is greater for
high Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) but deteriorates for low SNR. Furthermore, this research observed
that RS coding gives 63% to 98% improvement in BER in the Rayleigh as compared to Rician and
Nakagami channels. This research has been able to successfully incorporate the BER reduction of
STBC MIMO to further enhance the efficacy of an STBC MIMO system.
BER, Nakagami channel, Rayleigh channel, Rician channel, RS encoder, STBC MIMO.
Graphical Abstract
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