Current Materials Science

Author(s): Khadidja Atig, Allel Mokaddem*, Mohamed Meskine, Bendouma Doumi*, Mohammed Belkheir and Mohammed El Keurti

DOI: 10.2174/1874464812666190408144801

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Using Genetic Algorithms to study the Effect of Cellulose Fibers Ratio on the Fiber-Matrix Interface Damage of Biocomposite Materials

Page: [83 - 90] Pages: 8

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: In this article, we have studied the effect of cellulose fibers ratio on the fiber matrix interface damage of biocomposite materials based on a Polypropylene (PP) matrix.

Methods: Few patents on the effect of cellulose fibers ratio on the fiber-matrix interface damage of biocomposite materials were published. We have investigated this damage, using a metaheuristic simulation based on the two Weibull probabilistic models which successively described the damage of the fiber and the matrix, our objective function is presented by the Cox model.

Results: The results of our genetic modeling confirm that the level of damage is related to the mechanical stresses applied to the five studied materials Cotton-Polypropylene, Jute-Polypropylene, Flax- Polypropylene, Ramie-Polypropylene and Aramid-Polypropylene. Our genetic modeling indicates that the rate of cellulose in each fiber has a significant influence on the progressive degradation of the interface. The numerical simulation compared to the result obtained by genetic algorithm for the Aramid- Polypropylene composite shows that the level of degradation of the interface is greater compared to other biocomposite materials and that Cotton-Polypropylene has a very low interface damage compared to other biocomposites (82.5% cellulose).

Conclusion: It can thus be said that the model correctly took into account the degradation phenomenon of a unidirectional composite and biocomposite and our calculations coincide perfectly with the conclusions of Antoine et al. who determined that the rate of cellulose in each fiber participates in the improvement of the mechanical properties of biocomposite materials.

Keywords: Biocomposites, damage, cellulose, polypropylene, fiber, matrix.

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