International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control

Author(s): Sara Gholipour, Heydar Toosian Shandiz, Mobin Alizadeh, Sara Minagar and Javad Kazemitabar*

DOI: 10.2174/2210327909666190319142505

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Dynamic Sliding Mode Control Based on Fractional Calculus Subject to Uncertain Delay Based Chaotic Pneumatic Robot

Page: [413 - 420] Pages: 8

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background & Objective: This paper considers the chattering problem of sliding mode control in the presence of delay in robot manipulator causing chaos in such electromechanical systems. Fractional calculus was used in order to produce a novel sliding mode to eliminate chatter. To realize the control of a class of chaotic systems in master-slave configuration, a novel fractional dynamic sliding mode control scheme is presented and examined on the delay based chaotic robot. Also, the stability of the closed-loop system is guaranteed by Lyapunov stability theory.

Methods: A control scheme is proposed for reducing the chattering problem in finite time tracking and robust in presence of system matched disturbances.

Results: Moreover, delayed robot motions are sorted out for qualitative and quantitative study. Finally, numerical simulations illustrate feasibility of the proposed control method.

Conclusion: The control scheme is viable.

Keywords: Bifurcation diagram, chaotic robot system, fractional dynamic sliding mode, lyapunov exponent, poincaré map, time delay.

Graphical Abstract

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