Current Rheumatology Reviews

Author(s): Peter C. Rhee and Steven L. Moran*

DOI: 10.2174/1573397115666190318154322

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The Effect of Lunate Morphology in Carpal Disorders: Review of the Literature

Page: [184 - 188] Pages: 5

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Variation in lunate morphology can exist based on the absence (Type I) or presence (Type II) of medial facet on the distal articular surface of the lunate that contacts the proximal pole of the hamate. This additional lunatohamate articulation can affect load transmission across the radiocarpal joint and exert an influence on carpal kinematics. A Type II lunate is protective against carpal instability patterns associated with scaphoid nonunions and scapholunate dissociations. It may also play a role in the progression of carpal collapse that occurs in Kienböck disease. This review summarizes the effect of lunate morphology in the outcomes of non-operative and operative treatment of carpal disorders.

Keywords: Lunate, morphology, Type II lunate scaphoid nonunions, scapholunate dissociations, scaphoid, radiodense arcs.

Graphical Abstract

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