Background: Xiexin Tang (XXT) is a classic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) formula
that has been used in herbal clinics for more than 1800 years. Recently, many studies have investigated
the pharmacological effects and chemical composition of XXT. However, there is little information
about systematic studies on the material basis of its efficacy. In the present study, the serum pharmacochemistry
technique and HPLC-DAD-Q-TOF/MS were performed to screen and analyze the multiple
absorbed bioactive components and metabolites of orally dosed XXT in rat serum.
Methods: Bio-samples and herbal extracts were analyzed and detected by HPLC-DAD-Q-TOF/MS.
Upon comparison of the chromatograms of the single-constituent decoctions with that of the XXT formulation,
the peak quantity and peak intensity of the formulated decoction showed some variation from
those of the single-constituent decoctions.
Results: Twenty-one serum-adsorbed constituents were identified after intragastric administration of
herbal extracts, of which 8 originated from Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (RRR), 5 from Coptidis Rhizoma
(CR), and 8 from Scutellariae Radix (SR). The results showed that the main adsorbed constituents in the
serum were anthraquinones, anthrones, chromones, and butyrophenones, alkaloids, and flavonoids.
Conclusion: The results demonstrate that an effective and reliable analytical method is set up for
screening the bioactive components of Chinese herbal medicine, which provided a meaningful basis for
further pharmacology and active mechanism research of XXT.
Xiexin tang, serum pharmacochemistry, bioactive components, HPLC-DAD-Q-TOF/MS, Chinese herbal medicine, pharmacology.
Graphical Abstract
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