Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Author(s): Ekbal Rashid and Mohd D. Ansari*

DOI: 10.2174/1872212113666190215150458

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Fixing the Bugs in Software Projects from Software Repositories for Improvisation of Quality

Page: [184 - 192] Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: The study of bugs that are reported and close may indicate the growth and working of a software project. It may also indicate the quality of the project.

Methods: As software projects grow, the number of bugs reported generally increases each year. To maintain quality, the developers have to resolve and close these increasing numbers of bugs.

Results: The present paper discusses the relations between bugs being reported and bugs being closed. It also discusses some parameters related to the study of bugs. In this paper, new parameters have been introduced that help in the improvement of quality and this is the novelty of paper.

Conclusion: The research mainly covers the problem of finding the relation of collaborative growth with the quality of software. The paper also covers improvements in parameters like the rate of bug fixing. It also discusses the significance of these parameters. We have suggested a new parameter called the bug closing rate. And this can be calculated in two ways.

Keywords: Fedora, software repositories, mozilla, bugs, parameter, linux.

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