Current Pharmaceutical Design

Author(s): Xiaoyun Li, Seyed M. Moosavi-Basri, Rahul Sheth, Xiaoying Wang* and Yu S. Zhang*

DOI: 10.2174/1381612824666180416114325

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Bioengineered in vitro Vascular Models for Applications in Interventional Radiology

Page: [5367 - 5374] Pages: 8

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


The role of endovascular interventions has progressed rapidly over the past several decades. While animal models have long-served as the mainstay for the advancement of this field, the use of in vitro models has become increasingly widely adopted with recent advances in engineering technologies. Here, we review the strategies, mainly including bioprinting and microfabrication, which allow for fabrication of biomimetic vascular models that will potentially serve to supplement the conventional animal models for convenient investigations of endovascular interventions. Besides normal blood vessels, those in diseased states, such as thrombosis, may also be modeled by integrating cues that simulate the microenvironment of vascular disorders. These novel engineering strategies for the development of biomimetic in vitro vascular structures will possibly enable unconventional means of studying complex endovascular intervention problems that are otherwise hard to address using existing models.

Keywords: Interventional radiology, bioprinting, soft lithography, tissue engineering, blood vessels, vascular disorders.

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