Background & Objective: The paper explores a new instrument of computer vision to
measure three-dimension deformation with an Internet of Things (IoT) system including Raspberry
Pi, digital cameras and OpenCV programs in laboratory and field testing so as to monitor the potential
deformation of a structure drainage well in a landslide.
Methods: A chessboard pattern is detected in the image by the camera so that pixels of chessboard
cornors can be recognized by OpenCV programs. X-direction, Y-direction and Z-distance changes
can be casulated by the similar triangles relationship of camera pixels. For laboratory testing, standard
deviations of the measurement were approximately 0.01 cm.
Results: For field testing, the study installed four sets of Raspberry Pi in a drainage well within a
landslide and employed OpenCV programs to interpret pixel changes of chessboards at four levels of
the draiage well.
Conclusion: Overall, the instrument can be employed for triaxial deformation monitoring of the construction
in the field effectively and automatically.
Computer vision, ground deformation, image recognition, internet of things, landslide monitoring, raspberry pi.
Graphical Abstract
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