Current Proteomics

Author(s): Xiong Li*, Hui Yang, Kaifu Wen, Xiaoming Zhong, Xuewen Xia, Liyue Liu and Dehao Qin

DOI: 10.2174/1570164616666190123150236

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A Method for Analyzing Two-locus Epistasis of Complex Diseases based on Decision Tree and Mutual Entropy

Page: [366 - 373] Pages: 8

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Epistasis makes complex diseases difficult to understand, especially when heterogeneity also exists. Heterogeneity of complex diseases makes the distribution of case population more confused. However, the traditional methods proposed to detect epistasis often ignore heterogeneity, resulting in low power of association studies.

Methods: In this study, we firstly use rank information in the Classification Decision Tree and Mutual Entropy (CTME) to construct two different evaluation scores, namely multiple objectives. In addition, we improve the calculation of joint entropy between SNPs and disease label, which elevates the efficiency of CTME. Then, the ant colony algorithm is applied to search two-locus epistatic combination space. To handle the potential heterogeneity, all candidate two-locus SNPs are merged to recognize multiple different epistatic combinations. Finally, all these solutions are tested by χ2 test.

Results and Conclusion: Experiments show that our method CTME improves the power of association study. More importantly, CTME also detects multiple epistatic SNPs contributing to heterogeneity. The experimental results show that CTME has advantages on power and efficiency.

Keywords: Complex diseases, epistasis, heterogeneity, data mining, entropy, association study.

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