Micro and Nanosystems

Author(s): Wei Yuan*, Shengkai Mei, Song Li, Zhiwen Wang, Jie Yu and Qianjian Guo

DOI: 10.2174/1876402911666190117154327

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Wear Performance of GCr15 Friction Pairs with Effect of Initial Radial Micro-Grooves

Page: [56 - 61] Pages: 6

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Grooves may inevitably occur on the surface of the friction pair caused by severe wear or residual stress, which will play an important role on the reliability of machine parts during operation.

Objective: The effect of the micro-grooves perpendicular to sliding direction on the wear performance of the friction pairs should be studied.

Method: Micro-grooves can be machined on discs of friction pairs using electrical discharge machining. On-line visual ferrograph method was used to monitor the wear process to research the wear rate changing characteristic. Profilemeter and metallurgical microscope were used to observe the wear scars.

Results: Comparing to the non-groove test, i) in one-groove test, wear volume and rate were approximate the same, and the wear scar was smooth, ii) when the grooves more than 4, the test running-in stage will be obviously prolonged, particularly for the test with 8 grooves on the disc, the duration of running-in stage is 4 times than that without grooves on specimen, and the wear rate and volume increase significantly, and then decrease with fluctuation, iii) the abrasive wear can be avoid with the debris stagnating in the groove, however, fatigue wear will significantly emerge.

Conclusion: Abrasive wear can be avoided and smooth running-in surfaces can be obtained with proper amount of initial radial micro-grooves.

Keywords: Radial groove, friction pairs, wear properties, debris features, ferrograph, wear scar cycle.

Graphical Abstract

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