Current Psychiatry Research and Reviews

Author(s): Amanda Patricia Sales, Tatiana Paula Santana da Silva*, Everton Botelho Sougey and José Waldo Saraiva Câmara Filho

DOI: 10.2174/1573400515666190114155014

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Psychopathological and Psychosocial Repercussions of Suicide in the Family

Page: [3 - 10] Pages: 8

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Although the relationship between the occurrence of suicide and the presence of psychosocial suffering in bereaved relatives is clear, there are still few studies that deal with the detail of these repercussions and the therapeutic conduction given to them for the suicide.

Objective: to carry out an integrative review on the psychopathological and psychosocial repercussions of suicide in the family, with emphasis on the detail of the main psychopathological characteristics presented by the individuals and the psychosocial impacts of mourning.

Method: An integrative review was performed. The guiding question considered Population Intervention Comparator Outcome Setting and the revision protocol is in agreement with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes. The search occurred in the bases: Periodicals CAPES, PsycINFO and PubMed. Original articles were included, without language restriction that emphasized psychopathological and psychosocial aspects of the mourners after suicide. We excluded review studies, clinical cases, editorials and retrospectives.

Results: The process of suicide mourning for family members is a complex event, marked by stigma and can predispose patients to mental illness and suicidal behavior, especially in the early years of mourning. In addition, it is necessary to expand the scope of evidence on the effectiveness of support and intervention with this population.

Conclusion: Bereaved families need specialized preventive support insofar as the complexity of bereavement becomes a vulnerability factor for mental illness.

Keywords: Suicide, bereavement, family, psychopathology, social stigma, psychotherapy.

Graphical Abstract

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