Current Environmental Engineering

Author(s): Veymar G. Tacias-Pascacio, Abumalé Cruz-Salomón*, José H. Castañón-González and Beatriz Torrestiana-Sanchez

DOI: 10.2174/2212717806666181213161302

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Wastewater Treatment of Wet Coffee Processing in an Anaerobic Baffled Bioreactor Coupled to Microfiltration System

Page: [45 - 54] Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Wet coffee processing consists of the removal of the pulp and mucilage of the coffee cherry. This process generates a large amount of acidic wastewater which is very aggressive to the environment because of its high content of recalcitrant organic matter. Therefore, treatment is necessary before discharge to water bodies. Because of this reason, this study aimed to evaluate the organic matter removal efficiency in an Anaerobic Baffled Bioreactor (ABR) coupled to a Microfiltration Membrane (MF) system as a new eco-friendly option in the treatment of wet Coffee Processing Wastewater (CPWW).

Methods: Two systems (S1 and S2) were evaluated at Hydraulic Retention Times (HRT) of 59 h and 83 h, respectively. Both systems were operated at mesophilic conditions, at a Transmembrane Pressure (TMP) of 50 kPa during 1800 h.

Results: The S2 generated higher organic matter removal efficiency, reaching removal values of turbidity of 98.7%, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of 81%, Total Solids (TS) of 72.6%, Total Suspended Solids (TSS) of 100%, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of 61%, compared with the S1.

Conclusion: The S2 represents a new eco-friendly alternative to treat CPWW and reduce its pollutant effect.

Keywords: Anaerobic baffled bioreactor, microfiltration membrane, wet coffee processing wastewater, anaerobic wastewater treatment, high organic load wastewater, chemical oxygen demand, total solids.

Graphical Abstract

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