Recent Patents on Computer Science

Author(s): Nabhan Hamadneh*, Mamoon Obiedat, Ahmad Qawasmeh and Mohammad Bsoul

DOI: 10.2174/2213275912666181205155828

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HRED, An Active Queue Management Algorithm for TCP Congestion Control

Page: [212 - 217] Pages: 6

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Active Queue Management (AQM) is a TCP congestion avoidance approach that predicts congestion before sources overwhelm the buffers of routers. Random Early Detection (RED) is an AQM strategy that keeps history of queue dynamics by estimating an average queue size parameter avg and drops packets when this average exceeds preset thresholds. The parameter configuration in RED is problematic and the performance of the whole network could be reduced due to wrong setup of these parameters. Drop probability is another parameter calculated by RED to tune the drop rate with the aggressiveness of arriving packets.

Objective: In this article, we propose an enhancement to the drop probability calculation to increase the performance of RED.

Methods: This article studies the drop rate when the average queue size is at the midpoint between the minimum and maximum thresholds. The proposal suggests a nonlinear adjustment for the drop rate in this area. Hence, we call this strategy as the Half-Way RED (HRED).

Results: Our strategy is tested using the NS2 simulator and compared with some queue management strategies including RED, TD and Gentle-RED. The calculated parameters are: throughput, link utilization and packet drop rate.

Conclusion: Each performance parameter has been plotted in a separate figure; then the robustness of each strategy has been evaluated against these parameters. The results suggest that this function has enhanced the performance of RED-like strategies in controlling congestion. HRED has outperformed the strategies included in this article in terms of throughput, link utilization and packet loss rate.

Keywords: NS2, network simulation, TCP, congestion control, Active Queue Management (AQM), network performance.

Graphical Abstract

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