Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications

Author(s): Kapil Sethi, Varun Jaiswal* and Mohammad Dilshad Ansari

DOI: 10.2174/2213275912666181128120527

Machine Learning Based Support System for Students to Select Stream (Subject)

Page: [336 - 344] Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: In most of the countries, students have to select a subject/stream in the secondary education phase. Selection of subject/stream is crucial for students because further their career proceeds according to their selection. Mostly subject/stream selection cannot be changed in the further career. Inappropriate selection of subjects due to parental pressure, lack of information etc. can lead to limited success in the selected stream. Guidance for subject/stream selection based on information of successful scholars of their stream and information of students such as interest, family background, previous education and other associated can enhance the success in career.

Methods: Data mining and machine learning based methods were developed on the above information. Data from the different institutions and students of two different streams were used for training and testing purposes. Different machine learning algorithms were used and methods with high accuracy (86.72) were developed.

Result: Developed methods can be extended and used for different subject/stream selection.

Keywords: Secondary education, subject selection, support system, career, student, machine learning.

Graphical Abstract

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