Recent Patents on Computer Science

Author(s): Varun Tiwari* and Sushil C. Jain

DOI: 10.2174/2213275912666181127120030

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Efficient Bag-of-Features using Improved Whale Optimization Algorithm for Histopathological Image Classification

Page: [269 - 279] Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: The whale optimization algorithm is one of the popular meta-heuristic algorithms which has successfully been applied in various application areas such as image analysis and data clustering. However, the slow convergence rate and chances of sticking into the local optima due to improper balance of its exploration and exploitation phases are some of its pitfalls. Therefore, in this paper, a new improved whale optimization algorithm has been proposed. Moreover, the proposed method has been used in bag-of-features method for histopathological image classification.

Methods: The new algorithm, improved whale optimization algorithm, modifies the encircling phase of original whale optimization algorithm. The proposed algorithm has been used to cluster the extracted features for finding the relevant codewords to be used in the bag-of-features method for histopathological image classification.

Results: The efficiency of proposed algorithm has been analyzed on 23 benchmark functions in terms of mean fitness, standard deviation values, and convergence behavior. The performance of the improved whale optimization algorithm based histopathological image classification method has been analyzed on blue histology image dataset and compared with other meta-heuristic based bagof- features methods in terms of recall, precision, F-measure, and accuracy. The experimental results validate that the proposed method outperforms the considered state-of-the-art methods and attains 12% increase in the histopathological image classification accuracy.

Conclusion: In this paper, a new improved whale optimization algorithm has been proposed and applied in bag-of-features method for histopathological image classification. The results of proposed method outperform the other existing meta-heuristic methods over standard benchmark functions and histopathological image dataset.

Keywords: Whale optimization algorithm, histopathological image classification, bag-of-features, meta-heuristic methods, image dataset, data clustering.

Graphical Abstract

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