Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials

Author(s): Tiziana Prochilo*, Alessandra Huscher, Federica Andreis, Mara Mirandola, Elisabetta Zaina, Barbara Pomentale, Chiara Pedrali, Laura Zanotti, Stefano Mutti and Alberto Zaniboni

DOI: 10.2174/1574887113666181120111104

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Hair Loss Prevention by a Scalp Cooling Device in Early Breast Cancer Patients: The Poliambulanza Preliminary Experience

Page: [66 - 71] Pages: 6

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: The most effective agents in the treatment of breast cancer have a common side effect, the hair loss. Some studies reported a reduction of hair loss with the use of the scalp cooling device. Indeed, it decreases the drug accumulation in the hair follicles. We report our preliminary experience with a scalp cooling device in reducing chemotherapy-induced alopecia and related distress in breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy.

Methods: Hair loss grading and treatment tolerability were evaluated during chemotherapy every 21 days and 3 weeks after the last cycle of chemotherapy via Dean’s scale by patients and operators and a comfort analogic scale by patients. We administered the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale questionnaire at the baseline and at the end of treatment to assess the distress related to chemotherapy- induced alopecia.

Results: Among the 46 patients identified, 27 accepted the device. The eligible chemotherapy regimens included docetaxel+cyclophosphamide (TC), doxorubicin+cyclophosphamide (AC) and paclitaxel (P) weekly+trastuzumab (T). 24 pts (89%) completed the treatment; 3 pts (11%) treated with AC prematurely interrupted use of the scalp-cooling device due to inefficacy. After the last cycle of chemotherapy, the number of patient who perceived a HL < grade 2 was 16 (59%). The hair retention reported by operators has been higher (78%). 81.5% of patients well tolerated the treatment.

Conclusion: In our study, the scalp-cooling device reduced chemotherapy-induced alopecia in taxane- based chemotherapy. Furthermore, it suggests a discordance in hair loss perception between patients and operators.

Keywords: Anxiety, breast cancer, chemotherapy, distress, hair loss, scalp cooling.

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