International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control

Author(s): Devendra Kumar Jain *, Sanjay Sharma, Shashank Yadav and Jitendra Singh

DOI: 10.2174/2210327908666181120103838

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A Detailed Survey and Comparative Study of Cooperative Caching Methods for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Page: [314 - 329] Pages: 16

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are networks that enable server and clients to impart without any settled foundation. MANET is a quickly developing region of research as it discovers use in different applications. In MANETs, network parceling and the fizzling of a mobile node because of weariness of their battery power can significantly diminish data accessibility. Data caching on the client is generally observed as a successful answer for enhancing data availability. Specifically, cooperative caching based on information sharing and coordination of cached data item among numerous clients is much time-consuming. Various cooperative caching plans have been proposed in the ongoing years. This paper examines the highlights for outlining a good cooperative cache management, and it overviews the current cooperative caching scheme. The paper likewise gives a correlation of the cooperative caching scheme and examines open doors for future research work.

Keywords: Cache discovery, cache replacement, cooperative caching, data caching, mobile ad hoc network, replication.

Graphical Abstract

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