Background and Objective: We propose here joint semi-orthogonal user selection and antenna
selection algorithm based on precoding scheme.
Methods: The focus of this proposed algorithm is to increase the system sumrate and decrease the
complexity. We select and schedule users from a large number of users based on semi-orthogonality
condition among them. Here, we select only the maximum channel gain antennas to maximize the
system sumrate. Subsequently, the user selection and antenna selection have been scheduled in an
adequate manner in order to obtain maximum system sumrate. We calculate the system sumrate for
two scenarios: firstly, by considering the interference and secondly without considering the interference.
We achieve maximum system sumrate at MMSE and lowest at without precoding while considering
the interference. However, when we do not consider the interference we obtain lowest sumrate
at MMSE and maximum at without precoding.
Results and Conclusion: Here, we apply the precoding scheme to increase the system sumrate and
we obtain approximately 20% to 35% higher system sumrate compared to without precoding, when
interference is considered. Thus, we achieve higher sumrate in our proposed algorithms compared to
other existing work.
5G, antenna selection, interference, massive MIMO, sumrate, users selection.
Graphical Abstract
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