Recent Patents on Computer Science

Author(s): Wael Farag*

DOI: 10.2174/2213275911666181106160002

Cite As
Cloning Safe Driving Behavior for Self-Driving Cars using Convolutional Neural Networks

Page: [120 - 127] Pages: 8

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: In this paper, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn safe driving behavior and smooth steering manoeuvring, is proposed as an empowerment of autonomous driving technologies. The training data is collected from a front-facing camera and the steering commands issued by an experienced driver driving in traffic as well as urban roads.

Methods: This data is then used to train the proposed CNN to facilitate what it is called “Behavioral Cloning”. The proposed Behavior Cloning CNN is named as “BCNet”, and its deep seventeen-layer architecture has been selected after extensive trials. The BCNet got trained using Adam’s optimization algorithm as a variant of the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) technique.

Results: The paper goes through the development and training process in details and shows the image processing pipeline harnessed in the development.

Conclusion: The proposed approach proved successful in cloning the driving behavior embedded in the training data set after extensive simulations.

Keywords: Behavioral cloning, convolutional neural network, autonomous driving, machine learning, stochastic gradient descent, image processing.

Graphical Abstract

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