Herbal medicines have been used by mankind from time immemorial. Moreover, many
modern medicines are originated from plant sources. In earlier days, patients were dependent on herbs
for treatment and well-being. However, due to the advent of the industrial revolution and modern science,
the scenario of treating diseases has changed over a period of time. Majority of patients started
preferring allopathy medicines due to their several advantages over herbal medicines. However, due to
long term treatment by allopathic medicines for chronic diseases led to side effects, patients are now
drifting back to the traditional medicines. Herbal medicines have their own drawbacks, viz., lack of
safety and efficacy data, standardization difficulties, not well established legislative controls and a few
issues with adverse drug reactions. Drug regulations per se were always the prime focus and they are
said to be dynamic. There are a few differences in regulations of herbal drugs among various countries.
Regulatory authorities of countries are working to evolve the regulations to govern herbal medicines
more effectively. A brief overview of the regulations related to a few developing and developed countries
have been dealt here.
Herbal medicine, regulation, adverse drug reaction, regulatory authority, plant sources, dietary supplement products.
Graphical Abstract
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