Background: In this paper, the design and computational modeling of microfluidic channel capable of separating platelets and Red Blood Cell (RBC) from the other blood cells are proposed.
Materials and Methods: Separation based on their sizes is made possible by utilizing negative dielectrophoretic (n-DEP) force in fusion with drag force. An array of 38º angled electrode separated by 70 μm distance is designed within the microchannel and analyzed for non-uniform electric field distribution.
Results and Conclusion: The molecule movement within the microchannel under induced electric field is simulated to demonstrate the separation using the particle trajectories module. A numerical study is performed for the calculation of Clausius Mossotti (CM) factor, n-DEP force and drag force.
Keywords: Microfluidics, biomolecule separation, dielectrophoresis, computational modeling, RBC, platelets.